Thursday, October 17, 2013

Airport kinda love....

“My love life will never be satisfactory until someone runs through an airport to stop me from getting on a flight.” ~Teenager post of the week via the Huffington Post.

He's driven us to the beach for 14 hours.  After he worked the night before... running on very little sleep.

Two kids and hundreds of miles and potty breaks and Lightning McQueen pull-ups. Rainbow swirls color the door panels and there are goldfish crackers crushed so deep into the seats that they will likely be there come next summer and this same road trip all the way to Seaside Florida and the ocean that my family has been coming to for almost two decades.

He’s never run through an airport for me.

Two times he’s held my hands, my shaking legs, my head, my heart as I’ve bared down and groaned a baby into being. He has run for ice chips and doctors and night shifts and laid himself low to help me hold on through the hard rock and roll and push and pull of labor.

There is a rumor, an urban myth, a fiction, a fantasy, a black and white screen cliché that love looks like the mad, romantic dash through airports for a last chance at a flailing kiss.

And then the credits roll.

And the lights come on.

And we must go back to our real lives where we forget that love really lives.

I threw up so hard and fast and often one night that I couldn’t stand come morning. He moved over and out and gave me the bed. He went out for crackers and soda and mind numbing games to keep the two kids occupied and away from mom.

I looked in the mirror and there was nothing romantic looking back at me, but around the creases in my eyes, the parched, white cheeks, there was the deep romance of being loved beyond how I looked.

He’s never run through an airport for me.

He’s gone out for milk at 10pm, he’s held our children through bouts of stomach viruses and told me there is nothing about his kids that disgusts him. He’s carried us on his shoulders when we were too tired or too sad or too done to keep doing the every day ins and outs that make up a life.

He’s unloaded a hundred loads of laundry and put the dishes away.

He lays down his life and it looks like so many ordinary moments stitched together into the testimony of a good man who comes home to his family in the old gray Dodge, the one with worn tires and no front license plate.

It undoes me every time to look around and find him there, having my back in the day to day and the late night into late night and then next year again.

He’s run a thousand times around the sun with me and we hold hands and touch feet at night between the covers even when we’re wretched and fighting we’re always fighting our way back to each other.

He’s never run through an airport for me.

He runs on snatched sleep and kids tucked into his shoulder on both sides of the bed.

He is patient and kind.

He always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

And we come running to him. When that old gray Dodge pulls into the driveway, his children trip over themselves, their abandoned shoes and the baseball bags to be the first to open the door and spill out their day into the hands of the man who can catch them.

He’s never run through an airport for me.

This ordinary unremarkable love walks slowly every day alongside. One step, one day, one T-ball practice at a time.

One permission slip signed, one Lunchable, one school play, one art project, one Lego box, one more night time cup of water delivered at a time.

This ordinary love that wakes up with bad breath and crease marks on its cheeks and is the daily bread that sustains across time zones and countries and cultures and the exhaustion of trying to figure out how to be a parent and a grown up and somebody’s forever.

And this is a love life – to live life each small, sometimes unbearably tedious moment – together.

To trip over old jokes and misunderstandings. To catch our runaway tongues and tempers and gift them into the hands of the person who was gifted to us.

He lets me warm my ice cold feet between his legs and the covers at night.

He has never run through an airport for me.

This is love with the lights on and eyes wide open. This is the brave love, the scared love, the sacred boring, the holy ordinary over sinks of dirty dishes and that one cupboard in the kitchen with the broken hinge.

On my heart this morning...

So much of mothering is Servanthood.

Jesus is the perfect example of service.

I think about the hours that I spend in my kitchen or laundry room serving my family. Scraping mud out of cleats, cleaning dog poop off the wall (yes, wall), wiping snot, pairing socks, the list goes on.

Many times I begrudgingly do these things.

It is a lot of work to prepare dinner, serve it and clean it up.

Do I do it because I want to, or because 3 hungry people need to eat and might eat me alive if I don’t?

I am learning that I should do it because I want to serve my family.

Some of the most ordinary things reveal more than anything what we are made of.

The Savior’s example has taught me about the type of servant I should be.

I often think of the Savior washing the disciples feet.

His ordinary was using a towel, a little water, and his hands.

I use those things in my life everyday, but do I do it with the same feeling as the Savior?

I can be ordinary, and use towels, water and my hands with a smile.

I believe that it was easy for Jesus to serve others. He remembered from whence he came.

In order for us to serve like the Savior, we too must remember where we came from.

If we also remember where our children came from it often becomes easier to serve them.

Raise your hand if there are days that come dinner time you have nothing left to give; you are tired of the whole servant role.

I had to pause from typing. Yes, I raised my hand. In fact, I raised both of them.

This is why remembering where we came from is so important.

Remembering God’s unconditional love for us.

His love makes it possible for us to have an overflow for others.

When we have nothing left to give, we can ask God to give us his love for the rest of the day.

When we do, and take the time to serve our family with love; we teach our children to be servants also.

Which is what God wants for all his children.

We are raising servants for the Lord.

Healthy servanthood should begin at home; with parents as the teachers.

…and my favorite message of all:

This servant season will not last forever, our children will grow up to serve us and others.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Two whole months worth of fun!

Well, as you can see it has been almost a full two months since I last posted.  I guess this was somewhat intentional - I have focussed on being totally plugged in to our family and business and it has paid off.  We have had an AWESOME summer of fun, financial blessings, and love so far and it's not over yet!  So far this summer, we've

played/watched a lot of baseball

went to the beach (twice - once in Naples just the two of us and once with the boys in Galveston)

went to schlitterbahn

went to the lake

had our nephews for 5 day

met the new neice - Lucy Jane :)

lots of impromptu trips to the pool and splashpad

bike riding

took fun family pictures

completed a few home projects

went to the Blue Lagoon (if you're in the area and haven't been - you gotta go visit, it was awesome!)

Here are some pictures (I am on a collage kick!) to highlight what we've had fun doing. Here's to the rest of the summer, Enjoy!


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Monday, May 20, 2013

Bucket List

What do you have planned this summer? 

Heath and I are going to Naples, Florida (courtesy of AdvoCare) in June - couples only (no kids).  Besides that, we have several things planned with the boys.  I want this to be the most awesome summer ever!!

Last night we sat down together and made a list of things we definitely want to do over the next few months.  We have a few other things planned that they are unaware of, too!! Here's what they came up with - can't wait to get started!  I printed out our creation and stuck it in an extra frame so we can check them off with a dry-erase marker as we go.

Friday, May 10, 2013

We're going...

to Naples, Florida!! We earned a trip from AdvoCare and our incredible leaders, Keith and Aurilia McDonald and Jim and Marcy O'Hickey... can you say four days of PARADISE? Toes in the sand... the trip also happens to land on our anniversary weekend!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Hornet Buddies

A few weeks ago, the HHS varsity boys baseball team hosted a program for the little league.  They called it Hornet Buddies, and picked ten kids to have a "buddy" on the varisty team.  They warmed up with them, then had their name called out over the speaker and ran onto the field with their buddy.  Obviosuly, Lucas got picked.  If not, I wouldn't be sitting in front of my computer in my robe at 10 at night.  Anyway, Lucas' buddy was Dalton.  And Dalton ... is awesome.  He was so good with Lucas.  They talked, and talked, and practiced and played.  At the end of the night, Dalton Gattis had a new best friend and #1 fan in Lucas Jackson.  And he is all we have heard about since! 

Did you know, that if Dalton doesn't have good grades his Mom won't let him play?

Did you know that Dalton NEVER looks at the ball when he's running to first base?

Maybe Dalton and his friends can come to MY practice one day... can you ask them for me since I don't have a cell phone?  Or maybe one day we can just go hang out, you think?

Heath made the mistake of asking Lucas about "Dillon".  After a dramatic sign and a good rolling of the eyes, Lucas said, "Daaaaaaad. It's DALTON".

Love this picture and think that HHS boys pray before their games is SUPER cool.  Lucas thought so too. He said, "Dalton is a good pray-er.  And a good player.  That is important."  More than you know, little one.

and of course our "tough guy" joined in the fun and thoght he was the big man on campus.
We are so blessed that Lucas go to participate this year.  Such a rewarding program for all involved.  He walked away encouraged, uplifted and fired up for baseball and "being like Dalton".  From what I hear ( I talked to Dalton's dad at work) Dalton is quite a young man that has a true heart for Jesus, helping young people and old people, and working with the needy.  I have no doubt that the influence he had on our boy will be a lasting one.

Now, I've got to go figure out how to get that Dalton to our practice next week!

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Monday, May 6, 2013

my sweets

the many faces of Cason...

Love this one of my boys and Cody...  
Who couldn't love that face>>>> 

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