Lucas tells me I’m his best Mommy ever (even though I’m his ONLY mommy… hehe)
I catch Heath staring at me!
I walk in the room and as soon as Cason sees me or hears my voice, he breaks out in the biggest smile and his eyes light up!
Lucas picks me flowers.
People tell me how cute/smart/good/loving/funny my little boy is!
It is sunshining and raining at the same time.
We go fishing!
My hubby tells me what a beautiful mother I have become.
We lie in the bed snuggled up with our boys on Saturday mornings.
Lucas plays t-ball!
Cason laughs and smiles at us.
I watch my two precious boys interact with each other!
I realize (pretty much daily) how much God has blessed my little family.
How to Install a Corkboard Wall
5 years ago
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