Not in the whole scheme of the global world kind of rough week.
But just a "it's hard to be a mom of a sick non-sleeping 2 year old who will not listen to a word I say, is into everything, won't obey, all I do is discipline all day and all night long, and a 6 year old who is wayyyy smarter than me (I thought that didn’t start till the junior high years?), wayyyy cooler than me, and has learned to have a really smart mouth”......................." kind of week.
I feel like all I do is try to make my kids be "good". I'm sometimes terrified of what everyone at church and school and the grocery store think of my children and how they must whisper when I walk off about how I need to get control of those two crazy boys.
They are not terrible children by any means. For the most part they are very well behaved. They are both well above average in academics and very athletically and musically inclined. They are kind and sweet and gentle at times. They are both wonderful blessings to me. But they ARE little boys. They are both very strong sprited, strong willed individuals... But I worry every minute of every day that I'm not doing the right things as a mother and that they will turn out awful because of it.
And then I followed a link to this post.
And I cried my eyes out.
I desperately needed to read that today.
Maybe you did too.
And P.S. When Cason is a missionary in Africa and Lucas is saving kids in Indonesia, and I never get to see my grandkids I guess I'll just laugh at all the times I have prayed over and over "God use them in awesome ways - I want them to have a passion for you above all else".
WOW. I'm busy crying my eyes out, too. I've been thinking about the same things, and just so you know, your kids are delightful. Sweet, polite, and very spirited, just the way little boys should be. You're doing an amazing job.
You're the kind of mommy I aspire to one day be! You're just so . . . AWESOME! L O V E you!
thanks you two! i love you both!!
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