I know, it's been nearly a month since my last post. I know, I told myself I was going to get MUCH better at posting and keeping up. I know, I know.
Life has been crazy the past few weeks, with Christmas celebrations, school programs, parties and family get togethers. I think we are finally on cruise control though and patiently awaiting the arrival of our new family member. Our due date is ten days from today and anticipation is building in all of us. I can't believe that time has flown so quickly. Seems like just a month or so ago, we were laughing and crying because I was already pregnant, telling Lucas he was going to be a big brother and preparing ourselves mentally for a newborn!! Now we are mentally, emotionally and physically prepared. We're just waiting on you Cason!
Things at Lucas' school were pretty hectic there for a while, with the holiday parties and programs going on, but things seem to be back to normal, for now. He is such a little sponge - absorbing everything around him. I'm constantly surprised at what he remembers, repeats, and recites. He loves to sing, and any form of musical instrument is sure to hold his attention. He got a harmonica for Christmas, and can actually "toot" a little tune on it. He is always talking about playing the guitar, or the drums, or something!!
Just around the corner, after Cason arrives, things are definitely going to find their way back to being hectic. Despite having a new baby, Lucas begins t-ball early spring! We are all very excited about that. Him and Daddy will have their hands full, but thats generally how they like it anyway. (Especially since deer season is coming to an end.)
Things are crazy for Heath and I both at work right now and we are both looking forward to having some time off in the near future. It will be a nice break.
I think that about sums up what has been happening with this set of Jacksons over the last few weeks - preparing, waiting, slowing down, living, and loving!
God bless!
How to Install a Corkboard Wall
5 years ago
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