Cason only naps occasionally on the weekends these days, and Lucas never naps, so most of the time from 7:30 until 11:30 at night - there is never a moment that I don't have at least one child needing me and so the only time I can do anything is after 11 p.m. And that needs to include cleaning the house, laundry, Bible Studies, organization, working out, showering, spending time with Heath when he isn't working, Scentsy, blogging, answering e-mails, etc. And I'm super type A so sometimes just the thought of what I need to do gets me so overwhelmed I'm paralyzed and I end up not doing anything. And then I'm even more frustrated.
And some nights I'm so tired that all I want to do is sit on the couch with a whole lot of snack foods and just completely veg in front of the TV. And that does nothing for my productivity or my diet.
So I'm trying to learn to just take baby steps. I'm trying to break every task into very small chunks and just accomplish those little things in a day and it might take longer - but things manage to get done. It's kind of like the Dave Ramsey approach to paying off debt.
I've taken on a modified version of the "Fly Lady" and I just try to clean one room or do one major cleaning task (i.e. mopping, dusting) a day. If a miracle happens and both boys nap and I'm blessed with an extra hour or two on the weekend and some energy - I'll try to do several things and get ahead.
I'm trying to do at least one load of laundry - and PUT IT AWAY (my biggest problem!) - a day.
If I say I want to read the Bible in a year - that sounds wonderful. But I can't seem to stay on track. So I just try to read at least one chapter a day and just spend time in prayer during the day.
Diet and exercise are tough for me because my will power is not stellar. But I'm using an app on my phone called My fitness Pal and it helps me keep track of calories. I do my best and if I don't have a great day - I just start over the next day.
I need to work on reading with Lucas; and teaching Cason the alphabet/vocabulary every day but sometimes the days/evenings are so busy with just the little things - I don't feel like I do an adequate job. I use every chance I can during the day on the weekends to just work on words and sounds with both of them. I am trying to teach them anything I can - like reading our Bible, letters, numbers, songs, painting, cooking, etc. I still don't know how homeschooling moms do it. They are both so smart and advanced, so I am trying to stay on top of keeping them that way. Lucas is very interested in math, numbers, measurements, and science- which is not my strong area. He is only in Kindergarten and already wanting to know all about how everything works and how numbers play a part in everything! Cason is doing good on his alphabet, and he has learned several new songs lately. THey are both very musically inclined and anyone who knows me knows that they did NOT get this quality from my side!
I've learned to say no to a lot of things right now. I'm learning my limits.
I'm trying to do better at sitting down on Sunday nights and making a meal plan so we have healthy meals all week and maybe I won't go to the store very much. We've done really well this month with not eating out.
I've made a list of all the major projects I'd like to get done around here this year - (cleaning out closets, desks, drawers, selling baby clothes, major cleaning jobs, etc) and I have a goal to do at least one every few weeks.
So I still feel a little overwhelmed......but chipping away at the big icebergs in my life a little at a time makes me feel like I'm getting somewhere. I'll probably never feel completely "together" but maybe I won't show up on an episode of "Hoarders" either.
And I'm not going to lie.................I daydream about Mary Poppins coming to live with us. A Lot.
I didn't know you used myfitnesspal! Txt me your username so I can add you! I find it more motivating with friends keeping me accountable! I loveeee that app!
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