Can’t believe April is already upon us and in full swing. The month of March was full of lots of fun stuff: t-ball, Heath’s birthday, new recipes, old friends, Cason’s 2-month check-up, family, exciting new Arbonne events, Easter celebrations and egg hunts at Lucas’ school, many afternoons fishing, riding four-wheelers, and many beautiful days together.

One bittersweet milestone – my return to work from 7 glorious weeks of maternity leave. Can’t avoid the inevitable, I guess! It’s nice to be back in the swing of things at work but I sure do miss being home with my babies. One of those ordeals that most mothers face is the decision whether to return to work or not. I was fortunate to be able to stay home with Lucas until he was a year old. I would not trade that time for anything in the world. With the economy the way it is not, it’s not a very reasonable idea to stay home this time around. Soon, though, very soon, I will be making enough money through my second job, Arbonne, to do just that. I am running purely on faith! I know that God intended for me to be home and take care of my babies. It will all happen in HIS time and I keep reminding myself of that.

Cason’s two month appointment went well. He is a healthy little boy! He is in the 98th percentile for height, and the 95th for weight. IN other words, he is the size of an average 4-month old. Guess mommy’s milk is doing him good. He is beginning to really like to “talk” to us – “goo-ing” and “ahh-ing”. His most vocal times are usually when Lucas is playing with him! I can’t wait to see them interact more and more as time goes on. Cason has the sweetest little smile. It could be referred to as a “toothy” grin, but he has no teeth!
Lucas’ world lately is full of t-ball, riding his new four wheeler, playing “army” with the neighborhood boys, and just being a little boy. He is growing up so fast. He is so much like Heath in personality it’s unbelievable. I love watching the two of them together! Like a little mini-me.
Looking forward to the rest of the month of April: Heath and I enjoyed a “date” already once this month. We went out to eat, ALONE! Then, we spent some time at the Walker Co. Fair cookoff this past Friday night with friends. We have close friends that will be having their baby boy (Due 4/28), Conner. Can’t wait to meet him. Conner’s dad, Adam, Heath and Jonathan were good friends growing up and we have a feeling that Lucas, Cason and Conner will be the same way! Look out world for the Jackson and Graham boys, 2nd generation! We also have several more t-ball games this month, as well as Heath’s mom’s 60th birthday.
One bittersweet milestone – my return to work from 7 glorious weeks of maternity leave. Can’t avoid the inevitable, I guess! It’s nice to be back in the swing of things at work but I sure do miss being home with my babies. One of those ordeals that most mothers face is the decision whether to return to work or not. I was fortunate to be able to stay home with Lucas until he was a year old. I would not trade that time for anything in the world. With the economy the way it is not, it’s not a very reasonable idea to stay home this time around. Soon, though, very soon, I will be making enough money through my second job, Arbonne, to do just that. I am running purely on faith! I know that God intended for me to be home and take care of my babies. It will all happen in HIS time and I keep reminding myself of that.
Cason’s two month appointment went well. He is a healthy little boy! He is in the 98th percentile for height, and the 95th for weight. IN other words, he is the size of an average 4-month old. Guess mommy’s milk is doing him good. He is beginning to really like to “talk” to us – “goo-ing” and “ahh-ing”. His most vocal times are usually when Lucas is playing with him! I can’t wait to see them interact more and more as time goes on. Cason has the sweetest little smile. It could be referred to as a “toothy” grin, but he has no teeth!
Lucas’ world lately is full of t-ball, riding his new four wheeler, playing “army” with the neighborhood boys, and just being a little boy. He is growing up so fast. He is so much like Heath in personality it’s unbelievable. I love watching the two of them together! Like a little mini-me.
Looking forward to the rest of the month of April: Heath and I enjoyed a “date” already once this month. We went out to eat, ALONE! Then, we spent some time at the Walker Co. Fair cookoff this past Friday night with friends. We have close friends that will be having their baby boy (Due 4/28), Conner. Can’t wait to meet him. Conner’s dad, Adam, Heath and Jonathan were good friends growing up and we have a feeling that Lucas, Cason and Conner will be the same way! Look out world for the Jackson and Graham boys, 2nd generation! We also have several more t-ball games this month, as well as Heath’s mom’s 60th birthday.
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