That being said... there is a price to pay for holding such an important position. Today is a prime example. I feel like the ultimate loser, and I'm not referring to weight loss. In the race for the title of SuperMom, I have epically failed. Cason woke up with the dreadful "daycare snots" as we have labelled them, crusty eyes, sneezing, coughing, and a touch of fever. Today was also a day that I absolutely could not call in. Any other day this week, you got it. But not today. So, I called Heath at work. He sounded absolutely horrible. Sick little boy, and sick big boy. Daddy came to the rescue and is at home sick with a sick baby boy. Thankfully, Lucas is a great help and stayed also. I know that I am beyond blessed to have such a devoted hubby/Daddy who always puts us first, But... I am still definitely down in the dumps and wearing my LoserMommy hat today.
On the upside, the weekend is near. Lucas' "best friend" Cody is having a birthday party on Saturday. Lucas is stoked! I am also off on Monday in honor of President's Day - woo-hoo!! I love anytime I get an extended weekend with my boys. Heres to the rest of the week running smoothly and my two guys feeling better, CHEERS!
Oh... and one other thing. For the record, tomorrow is my birthday. I am inching closer and closer to thirty, which is very uncool. In light of this, I am choosing to opt out and basically kind of ignore the day all together. Thank you.
Thanks for the information. Just curious, though... do I know you? I was under the impression that my blog was/is private and only certain friends and family members know the address. Like I said, just curious. Thanks!
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