Is a verb. Yea, you heard me: a verb. I never would have pegged myself as a couponer, until recently. Now, I have to brag a little. I don't have pictures like some of these extreme couponing bloggers do... but I am learning. Maybe next time I will get a picture. Yesterday I got the following for FREE, simply by following the sales and having a handy pile of coupons stocked:
3 Dove deoderant
3 rolls of Mentos
1 large bottle of Listerine
2 Packages of baby wipes
Covergirl trial size makeup
Pantene trial size shampoo and conditioner
Pretty awesome, right? Now I won't have to buy these things out of necessity for quite a while. Unless I begin sweating excessively and start producing really fowl breath. Or Cason gets the poops. Ok.. enough of that.
The point is ---> When you find something on sale, and have coupons for it, which makes it CHEAPER than DIRT, buy as many as possible (as many as you have coupons for!)
Another example, if you will. I also bought yesterday:
6 Purex Liquid Laundry Detergents (32 load size) for $.99 each.
5 Electrasol dishwasher detergents for $.25 each
10 Packages of Land o' Lakes stick butter for $.10 each
I am slowly learning! When I do my "big" monthly grocery shopping trip, I won't have to budget for these items because I have them stockpiled. I have a 3" binder full of coupons ready to hit up Kroger and save abundantly on groceries, as well. I have also been building my stockpile of diapers when a sale hits to help curb that expensive, but totally necessary cost. I love a good challenge, and this adventure is definitely that, but a very beneficial one. Happy couponing to all the fellow crazies...
How to Install a Corkboard Wall
5 years ago
Oh Papa, was a special man to me as well. I miss him and I can't wait to meet him again in Heaven! I Love You Papa, Happy Birthday!!!
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