Today you are 4 years, 2 months, 1 week, and 2 days old.
You are so smart. You amaze me daily!
You (still) love superheroes. You are my little superhero.
You were in a Christmas play at church this week and you played a Wiseman. You did such a great job and we are so proud of you.
You love to sing. All the time. In the car, in your room, on the potty, in the bath, anywhere, anytime. You are very musical and you can listen to a song ONCE and know most of the words. (you get that musical inclination from Daddy)
Speaking of Daddy, he is your best friend. He recently changed shifts, and is now off every afternoon by 3. You are eating that up and have so enjoyed having your Daddy at home EVERY night!!
You love guns, and hunting. (You also get that from Daddy). You can’t wait to kill your first buck.
From Santa, you want: a gun (of course), Buzz Lightyear Wings, and about 15,000 other things that you have seen!!
You can’t wait for your little brother Cason to be here. You think he will have brown hair and brown eyes just like Daddy.
You are very good at drawing, coloring, painting and other forms of artwork. ( You get that from me)
You have grown to be a very good helper around the house. Some of your chores are: feeding the dogs, setting the table, and cleaning your room. Thanks!!
You pray about everything and firmly believe in it!
I love our time together, especially in the morning car ride to school. We have some wonderful conversations and love to sing and act silly.
You love tacos. (Another thing you get from Daddy) YOU ate FIVE tacos when we made them at home one night.
YOU truly know the REAL meaning of Christmas and are proud to tell people that it's really Jesus' birthday.
You still give the biggest hugs, the sweetest smiles and the best sugars.
I love you so much.
How to Install a Corkboard Wall
5 years ago