Tuesday, June 29, 2010


On the 10th, my hubby and I celebrated our 5th year of marriage. My, oh my, how the time flies. I still remember falling for him. Hard and fast. Those forearms and that hiney and the SUZUKI was all I needed back then.

The Father of My Children
The Stealer of My Heart
The Recipient of My Affections
The Keeper of My Joy
The Igniter of My Passions
The Eater of My Cooking
The Hero of My Love Story
The Disrupter of My Sleep
The Subject of My Daydreams
The Tickler of My Armpits
The Poker of My Ribs
The Balancer of My Craziness
The Manager of My Remote Control
The Love of My Life

My hiney, it still tingles
When you walk in the room
And thanks for the children
You helped put in my womb.

The End.

Cason had his first cold this month. A doozy. Had to use a nebulizer and antibiotics. The lovely daycare snots got the best of him, you see. It wreaked havoc on him for a mere day or two though and he was back to himself. We have started veggies and fruit in the evenings. The next step in our quest for solid foods will be eating at school… what fun!

Lucas was able to go to VBS this month and he thoroughly loved every minute of it. The theme was Saddle Ridge Ranch. He had fun doing crafts, playing games, singing new songs, playing with friends, and most of all learning about JESUS! Some of the things he learned:

Bible Story: God Creates Adam & Eve (Genesis 2:4-24)
Life Application: I am God's greatest creation. I can praise Him.
Bible Verse: I will praise You, because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, and I know this very well. Psalm 139:14

Bible Story: Joseph Recalls God's Provision (Genesis 45:1-14)
Life Application: God cares about me. I can trust Him no matter what.
Bible Verse: Casting all your care upon Him, because He cares about you. (1 Peter 5:7)

Bible Story: Jesus Visits Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10)
Life Application: God has a plan for me. I can have a relationship with Jesus.
Bible Verse: For I know the plans I have for you - this is the Lord's declaration-plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

Bible Story: Jesus, Our Example (Luke 5:16; Luke 4:14-16; Mark 6:30-46) (Teaching that Jesus prayed, went to church, and cared about others)
Life Application: I can be like Jesus. I can follow His example.
Bible Verse: Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 2:5)

Bible Study: Go to it! Do it! (Philippians 4:4-9 )
Life Application: I know what to do. I can live in ways that honor God.
Bible Verse: Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives
to all generously and without criticizing, and it will be given to him. (James 1:5)
That was quite a busy week! VBS was complete on Thursday night. Friday, we attended the closing ceremonies for the 2010 HBBA Tball. Lucas was so proud of his “home run trophy” as he calls it! Can’t wait for next season.

Other than that, we’ve been doing lots of swimming, fishing and having fun outdoors. We have recently met some new friends that live in our neighborhood and are enjoying getting to know them (shout out to Summer).

For Father’s Day, we made Heath some special cheesecake cupcakes. We also got him a new water hose (he wanted one!), and Lucas picked him and Papaw out some fishing lures. I was so proud, he picked them out all by himself. Daddy and Papaw couldn’t be happier. After Heath got off of work, we spent the afternoon with Dad and Mom swimming. Fun times, I LOVE SUMMER TIME!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Because I Said SO!

“Because I said so!!” How many times have you caught yourself saying that to your children? Sometimes I get frustrated when Lucas wants specific reasons for why I told him to do something. The easiest thing to say is, “Because I said so!”

When we read the Bible we’ll often find there are specific things God wants us to do. Just like my Lucas, I often want to know the why’s, when’s, and how’s before I step out in faith. But true faith means obeying God even when all my questions aren’t answered. True faith also means trusting Him to provide the necessary answers when the time is right.

So, do you ever find yourself asking God why He wants you to do something? Just like we want our kids to do what we say, we should obey God today not because we necessarily understand but because, He said so.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Catch up - long post!

Story of my life – playing catch up!! We’ve been very active over the past couple of weeks. We ended the tee ball season, went to see Granny at the hospital, and spent time with friends on Memorial Day.

So, here’s the recap:

Memorial Day weekend, on Saturday, Heath’s parents went out of town to go see Nannie in Ft. Worth. We went swimming at their community pool. That was Cason’s first time in the pool and he loved it. Unfortunately I didn’t have my camera with me though!! After a nice, cool swim, we used their house to have a relaxing afternoon! On Sunday, we travelled to Palestine to see Granny, where she is recovering from a mild stroke. We had a nice visit with her, 3 of her sisters and my aunt and uncle. Afterwards, we enjoyed dinner, just the four of us.

Heath had to work on Monday, but afterwards we joined our friends Tim and Brittany at their house for fishing, burgers, and a great time! Their sons, Blayne – age 4 and Mason-age 3 and Lucas had a fun time playing together and being boys! Lucas and Blayne even jumped in the pond for an evening swim with Brandon. Lucas loved it. He never stops surprising me. I thought he would be scared since he couldn’t see the bottom, but he didn’t hesitate a bit to jump right in…. which is kind of scary!

On Tuesday, Cason had his 4 month checkup. I picked both him and Lucas up at daycare and headed to the Dr’s office, where Heath met us. Cason is doing great. Dr. Prier is very pleased with his size – he is not too fat and certainly not too thin! He weighs right at 15 pounds and is already over 26 inches long! Dr. Prier said he will most likely be tall and lean as an adult. Dr. Prier gave us the go-ahead to begin cereals, for a couple of weeks, and then veggies, fruits and so on. Things are about to get fun… especially in the diaper changing department! He also reported that from the looks of Cason’s development, he is about a month ahead of most four month olds and probably won’t be long before he is strong enough to begin crawling… and then comes the interesting part!! HA. Lucas just can’t wait for him to crawl, or so he thinks for now anyway! It might be a different story when Cason is mobile and can get in to Lucas’ “stuff”. After the checkup, of course, comes the worst part – the shots. He had to get two in each leg and Lucas did NOT like it. He hid his eyes and teared up because he didn’t like to see his little brother hurting! It was so sweet. He said he wished that he could have the shots instead, since he is bigger and tougher. Cason is very lucky to have such a loving, protective big brother!

The rest of the week was fairly normal – if that’s possible. Saturday, I helped host a baby shower, which is always fun. The building where it was held has a pool next to it, so while I was showering the mommy to be, Heath and his parents took the boys swimming. Saturday evening, Heath and I had a wedding to attend, so his parents kept the boys and we had a date! Weddings are always fun, and we enjoyed visiting with friends and relaxing and being a couple! Until next time… God Bless!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

One thing he is not....

My older boy, my first son, my precious four-year-old male child is many things:
Obsessed with his bike
Obsessed with baseball
Obsessed with his four wheeler
Terrbile to get out of bed every morning
Physically strong
Yes, I said four wheeler
In love with bugs
Filthy all the time
Sweaty, even in the winter
Bearer of perfect blue eyes
Best friends with his brother and his Daddy
Shy around strangers
Fixated on toads

But one thing he is not....

is boring.