and Jay Thomas, Jay, Lucas and Cason.
Cason was really excited!
I took some really pretty pictures of nature.
But my favorite thing to photograph, of course:
While I photographed, the boys did some fishin'.
And some sittin'.
And some playin'.
Cason loves to "help".
The sky was really pretty that day.
Did I mention that the sky looked gorgeous?
We played in the grass,
and had fun with our friends.
And looked at the sky.
We played in the mud,
We chased a few bugs,
and watched a bird fly away, high into a tree.
See him up there?
We got dirty. We like to get dirty.
Did some more fishin'.
And talkin'.
Lucas fell in the mud...
and Cason laughed,
but helped him get up like any good brother would.
But, Lucas wasn't the only one who fell!
The game wardens swung by for a little visit.
We did some restin'.
Then we mosied our way back home and did some real restin'!