It is very apparent that I have once again totally neglected the blogging world!! We are busy x 4 around here these days. Cason (FINALLY) arrived on January 28th. He was a whopping 8 lbs, 15 oz and 21 inches long. That little boy has consumed our hearts already, of course.
Today we will be taking Cason to see good ole’ Dr. Prier for his two-month checkup. I can’t wait to see how much he weighs. He is SO sweet. He loves to smile and “goo” at us. Being a Jackson boy, of course he loves to be outside. We have already enjoyed many a walk around the neighborhood and he is perfectly content strolling around. The days have been so pretty that it’s hard not to go outside! Good thing he loves it too – most of our time during the Spring and Summer is spent outside in our family!
Lucas is such an attentive and loving big brother. I know that the two of them are going to be great buddies before too much longer. He loves to lay around and play with Cason and get him to “talk” to him. He is our number one helper around the house! While I am sure that they will always be best buds, I also know that we will have our fair share of arguments and stand-downs too – they are both hard headed, another quality that comes with the territory of being a Jackson.
T-ball season is in full swing and couldn’t be funner! Heath is the assistant coach for our team, The A’s. He and Lucas are both having a ball. It is obvious that Lucas is a natural athlete like Heath! Watching all of the little boys and girls practice has provided quality entertainment for me in the evenings and on weekends.
Spring is my favorite time of year – everything is new again! Heath will begin planting our garden soon, and then it will be time to clean out the flower beds and start fresh as well. Easter is fast approaching (this weekend!! Where did the time go?!). I love Easter and what it represents, our Savior has RISEN!
How to Install a Corkboard Wall
5 years ago