and happily hoses them downwhen they are done
...who serves veggies, fruit & yogurt and calls it lunch
or sometimes dinner {grin}
...who let's her kids play on the couch
but not on tables and dressers
...who can say it was a great, productive day when we've played outside all day
even if the house is a mess and the laundry is {still} dirty

...who rarely cooks and cleans alone
because it's my job to teach them & it's a lot more fun anyway
{making pancakes}
...who let's her kids pick out their own outfits
even if they don't always match
...who let's her kids stay up until the sun goes down on weekends…
even if it's 10 o'clock at night
...who serves a hot breakfast almost every Saturday morning
even if we don't eat until 10am
...who will give her son 100 kisses because he asked me to
even after I already gave him 100 hugs
...who still reminds her oldest to drink their water, brush his teeth & flush the toilet
even though he should know by now
...who will never stop learning
with and without my kids
...who saves half eaten apples and bananas
for juice and smoothies
...who thinks being a mom is the hardest job
but amazingly rewarding
I'm THAT mom.
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