I do not have children who sometimes morph into wild animals. Wild wild wild animals that would tire out wild animals. And of course, I am not a momma who avoids the sweltering heat of this terrible Texas heat wave at almost any cost.
Therefore, I would not condone any indoor activity such as jumping on the couch, flipping off the coffee table, or flying onto pillows...just in the attempt to eek out some of the wildness of the above mentioned wild animal children.
Nope. Not me. Not my children.
I did not allow my children to eat whatever they wanted for dinner Friday night. They did not choose donuts, cereal, popcorn, and strawberries.
My five year old son didn't tell me to "please stop singing" while I was cooking dinner this past week. And it didn't hurt my feelings. At all.
My eighteen month old son does not tell me to "not do dat" when I sing in the car these days. And it doesn't hurt my feelings. At all! Not one bit.
I did NOT wonder for hours why the front of my slacks kept bunching up and were terribly uncomfortable and why it felt like my backside had doubled in size and was eating my underwear, only to realize that they were on backwards. Backwards, I tell you. Nope, not me. I am NOT that Mom.
I also did NOT get a warning ticket. I did not have a light out on my license plate and I most certainly did not appreciate being distracted by the nice young state troopers biceps.
And, lastly, I did NOT laugh hysterically while taking a video of my youngest child feeding himself chicken nuggets by grasping them between his toes!! NOPE- I SURE didn't.
But, today IS Monday. Of that I am sure.
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