Friday, April 20, 2012

Second guessing...

I feel like God has really given me encouragement as a mom lately. I'm not one of those moms that feels tied to a timeline with my kids. I just don't feel like I need to do everything "by the book" and yet - it's hard when you are with friends or read blogs or Facebook or twitter to not get worried if your kids aren't doing something other kids their age should be doing. It's hard not to second guess yourself as a mom and think, "Am I doing it all wrong?"

I've gotten a new perspective in the last few months that has helped me so much. I've just been learning how quickly time goes and how the little molehills I keep making mountains out of usually end up being really small.

I can think of so many examples that just worried me to death while we were there and now seem like so long ago. I thought Cason would NEVER sleep through the night. And now he is sleeping so much I can't get him up some mornings (especially on the weekend!). You could have never told me that when he was younger! 

Lucas was so attached to his sippy cup that I thought he would never want to get rid of it. And some of y'all harassed me to death about it. But I look back now and he was barely 2 when we got rid of it and just a baby. And he has great teeth. So I'm not going to sit around worrying about when to take it from Cason- we will do it and he won't go to preschool or kindergarten, or high school graduation with it.

I'm so worried right now about Cason being 100% potty trained by August in time for preschool. I'm working on it every day with him and and he is doing so good with it, but still has accidents so I just keep wondering "what if"? But I've been trying to realize this week that when he is 6 - we will look back and think - "that wasn't a big deal - it all worked out".

I think that's not just something God is working on in my mothering but something he's been weaving as a theme through my life. I spent days, months, and years crying and stressing and wondering about so many things in my life.   I spent day after day after day crying and PLEADING with him to PLEASE make everything work out for the best. And He did. He has ALWAYS provided. We have worried through financial things and through job changes and family and friend issues. But God always provides. It's not always the way we would have done it in our human ways or the way we might have imagined - but He is always there. Some of the things that caused me to lay awake at night scared to death have come and gone and Jesus pulled me through.

There are days that I am gripped with fear for our future. What if Heath changes jobs and is miserable or loses his job? What if one of us gets sick? What if something happens to the boys? But the one thing I always come back to is God has been with us through every event in our life - big or small and He will be there again. And we will look back one day and those mountains we thought we could never climb will just be little dots on our journey in life.

I'm thankful for the perspective of being at the end of one road to look back and see how I was carried to give me the strength to know I can go down the next road - whatever may lie ahead.

God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble.

Therefore we will not fear,

Psalm 46:1-2



Kate Jackson said...

LOVED every second of this post and I needed to hear it today. Thank you. :)

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