I’m singing The Circle of Life in my head right now. I just noticed I’m swaying in my chair a bit too. I have this weird thing where I play music in my head all day and adjust the song for whatever is going on at the moment. When I went by CVS it was “In the living years”, when I was doing the dishes it was Dolly Parton’s “workin’ 9-5”; on the rare chance I go for a run, it’s often Beyonce’s “Run the World” Yes, I am aware that this would normally land me a psych evaluation.
Mr. Cason (more on that nickname later) is keeping me ever busy with his two year old self - officially a toddler. Toddler seems too quaint a term for the rocket boosting speed racer that is my son. Last night we were in the kitchen and I sneezed, during which he emptied every piece of silverware out of the drawer. While I am in the shower he enjoys purging my closet of shoes and belts. His sense of irony shines through every time he climbs on top of the dining room table and sarcastically bellows ‘gee dow’ (that’s Get Down) with a hearty laugh. I have purchased 14 toothbrushes (teethbrushes?) in the last two months, just cause he likes to put them in the potty. If CPS were to show up at my door I’d have a hard time explaining the 73 bruises he acquires daily. He fancies himself a large help to mommy’s laundry work by dutifully emptying every drawer into which I have just placed neatly folded clothes. He enjoys singing and preaching enthusiastically from the bedside table, after having cleared it of any decoration mommy thought would look nice there. He patriotically pursues his right to climb the recliner and perch atop the back of the couch. If he’s not outside you’d better have a damn good reason why not. More often than not he’s directly air-lifted into the bath. How much messier could a boy get, anyway. But even with the mud, blood, bruises, boogers and peanut butter…he is SO sweet. Especially when he says,” love you too much, momma bird”
Lucas has a new found confidence in himself, which is quite awesome. For the longest he was so shy, almost painfully shy. He has grown up so much this year. I am so proud to be his momma. He is such a good kid! He has a great sense of humor and is quite the athlete! His intelligence and imagination amaze me every single day. He is just smart as a whip and the wittiest little six year old I know. Not much gets past him and you had better not tell him something and forget- ‘cause he will remind you in a hurry. He can listen to a song once and sing it back to you nearly word for word after that. He comes up with some of the funniest, craziest, neatest ideas. I can’t wait to see what he becomes as he grows up. He loves Jesus and isn’t afraid to tell whoever he meets about that love. He is still a little boy though and he aggravates the mess out of his little brother about 85% of the time. They fight and argue and hit and make messes with the best of them. So much so, my face stays in a shocked expression for a good portion of the day.
I can’t say my house is always clean or that if you stop by for a visit you won’t sit on molded strawberries rescued from the garbage or stumble upon yet another toothbrush floating helplessly in the toilet. You may even leave feeling a bit…sticky. But I find all of this to be my version of heaven. My sweet little guys are 100% heart, they love and laugh and love some more. Other than when I’m whoopin’ their butts for one thing or another, they think most anything I say is raucously funny, and squeeze extra tight when they give hugs. Lucas sometimes acts like he is too old to snuggle and give sugars but every now and then, I catch him in a tender moment and he lets me crawl up beside him in his bed. Cason, on the other hand loves to snuggle as close as he can (which is why I’ve usually wake up with feet in my ears, or an elbow in my ribcage) and his constant daredevil smile is heart melting. Life.is.good.
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