Oh, Cason. He is just talking up a storm. He loves to talk, and I love to listen. He will talk about anything and everything. He talks about ball-ball (baseball), and marchmemmows (marshmallows) and dine-tors (dinosaurs). He tells us all about his big boy hunnerwheres (underwear) and he’s learning to tattle (Lucas wrestle me and kick my head hard, Mama!) He loves to sit on the kitchen counter while I cook and pick up each utensil and ingredient and say, “What’s that for?” After I tell him “what it’s for”, he says, “oh, ok Mama”. When he first started going to the potty, he loved to talk. Lucas always loved to talk during that time also, so I thought maybe Cason would be the same. But now, while he potties, he says, “Move Mama. Shut door.” He rambles on and on and on about tigers (mean, scary ones), horses, dogs, dirt, deer, water, swimming, and fishing. I was playing with him one evening this past week and while we were coloring, we some how got on to the subject of fishing. He proceeded to tell me a full blown, very animated story; it was so neat! I think he spoke probably four or five sentences before he slowed down. It went something like this:
I went fishing with Daddy Lucas. I caught big fish (casting motion), he blue. I not eat him. I FROW (big throwing motion here) him in water and he swim, swim, swim (swimming motion- the way a person swims) to him home.
He’s taken a keen interest in football also. He loves to catch the ball (and hes really good at throwing and catching!) and say, “TOUCHDOWN!” while he slams down the ball and shakes his little butt.
He loves to perform. This past week while we were in Burleson at the state tournament, he put on a good show for the crowd. They had music playing during and in between games, which was neat. The kids loved it. Once, If You’re Gonna Play in Texas came on and the fans started clapping to the beat. Cason jumped up, landed right in front of the bleachers and started clapping to the beat and cutting a rug. Everyone was watching him and laughing and he was just soaking it all up…it is quickly becoming obvious that he loves to entertain. (total opposite from Lucas at that age- he was so shy, and very reserved!) I think watching their personalities develop and grow is one of the neatest things about raising kids. They are each their own person and I think that’s great!
How to Install a Corkboard Wall
5 years ago
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