This weekend, we made a spontaneous decision and headed to the beach Friday evening. We stayed in a hotel Friday night and hit the beach early Saturday morning for several hours. It was fun! Papaw and Nana went with us, too. The boys had a blast!
Heath is steadfast in his efforts to get a new job soon, so he did some studying in the shade.

Cason and Lucas played and played.
Cason and Lucas played and played.
Attempting to get a "good" picture of my boys in the water...
Got it! Aren't they sweet? Or maybe just convincing.
There were lots of "young" people out and about...
I'm sure the "boys in blue" can tell you all about them...
We had a super fun day, but of course are all exhausted today and 3/6 of us are sickly! It was totally worth it though, especially since every weekend from now until the end of August is either booked or Heath is scheduled to work (praying for that new job mentioned above, which also comes with a new set of hours- Monday through Friday, 8a-5p!)
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