In the past several weeks we’ve had a lot going on, as usual!! At the beginning of July we enjoyed celebrating the 4th of July with family. It poured down rain for most of the day, but we still made the most of it ! We spent the day at Heath’s parents house with 2 of his cousins and their wives. After it stopped raining, we headed down to the community pool that overlooks Lake Livingston. At dark, we watched an awesome fireworks display poolside. Lucas loved it as usual. I was a little concerned that Cason might be scared of the noise, but literally everytime a firecracker would “pop”, he would laugh out loud. The more they popped, the more he laughed and eventually it turned into a full blown belly rolling laugh! Too cute. We’ve celebrated a few birthdays with friends, had some awesome dinners at our home and at friends home, and obtained a new dog… more on that later.
Also, this month, Heath and I joined the world of iphone users. It is definitely fun but also a detriment to my productivity at times. Now, the new has worn off and it’s not as hard to put it down though. It brings to light a totally different world and I really can’t remember what its like not to have the internet world at my fingertips or in my pocket when needed!
We have really been working with Lucas this month on swimming. He is doing so well and we are just both so very proud of him. When we go a week or so between visits to the pool, he is a little apprehensive at first about getting into water that he can’t stand up in, which is understandable. His confidence is growing every time we go though. Once he warms up, he is our little fish, swimming both under and above water, even in the deep end. Can’t believe my little boy is growing so quickly. I am so proud of him.
Towards the end of July, my good friend Lisa came to town to help with a wedding. Afterwards, Lisa, Jill and myself met for some Mexican food and visiting. It also happened to be Lisa’s 25th birthday. We had a great time catching up and visiting and even gossiping a little! I miss her so much and can’t wait to see her and Jake again. Hopefully soon we can go see them.
The last weekend of the month, Chad had a surprise 30th birthday for Tree. It was a luau themed party at one of their friend’s pool. SO nice!! Tree was very surprised and we all had a great time (especially the kiddos, who got to swim in their awesome pool, which included a rock waterfall and slide!)
Cason hit the 6 month mark this month also, and is already crawling. Not just scooting or army-crawling either, full-blown crawling! Just this week he started pulling up on the furniture as well. He is just too big for his 6 month britches, if you ask me! He is progressing well with eating solid foods. I am proud to say that even though I work full time, I continue to breastfeed exclusively. I am very fortunate to have a job and supervisor that allow a time and comfortable place for me to pump during the day so that he can only have breast milk while at daycare. My initial goal was to do this until he was 6 months old, so from here on out I will play it by ear as to his needs and wants. I am very happy and proud that he has gone the first six months with no formula whatsoever!
Last Friday, Lucas’ class took a field trip to the city pool and aquatic center. There is a large “spray-ground” and a kid sized water slide. Heath and I both took off and went with him. The fun in the sun and water was a nice break from the work day! Lucas had a blast with his class and teachers. This week is his last week as a preschooler. As of Monday, he will officially be in Pre-K! I can’t believe it. Sunday night we have a meet and greet at the church/school to meet his new teacher and see his new classroom. It is a bittersweet moment for me as I am so sad that my little baby boy is growing up so quickly!! I am also so proud to be his mommy and so proud of how smart, funny, and sweet he is!
Towards the end of the month, we made a surprise visit to Granny. Aunt E, Lauren, and all of us went to Crockett and surprised her. We had a nice visit and a nice lunch!
We snapped a few family shots this past month as well, hopefully they will upload! We have several things going on in August and September that will be fun blogging material. Fall ball is starting up soon, and we are taking a mini vacation!! Also in the coming months are planning for Lucas’ 5th birthday party, helping with a friend’s wedding, and hopefully lots of fun with friends and family. Hopefully I will be able to keep up and keep the blog rolling!!

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