I feel as though I’m always on the prowl for the best supplements to aid in my overall quality of life. With the crazy amount of preservatives and chemicals in our diets these days vitamins and supplements are almost a necessity. Here are the ones I’ve researched, taken myself and recommend.
Omega 3
What Does It Do?
“Omega 3 fatty acids and protein are great for healthy skin. Hair, skin and nails are mostly made of protein, though the minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals we get from the best type of carbohydrates – fruit and vegetables – are also crucial if skin care is your goal. ” (healthguidance.org)
Green Tea Extract
What Does It Do?
Revs up your metabolism, inhibits fat absorption, helps glucose regulation, and gives you a little extra energy boost because it contains caffeine. In short, the miracle pill
While doing a desperate google search to cure acne I found that a lot of people started taking Zinc and had great results. It’s helped mine tremendously!
What Does It Do?
Immunity! Zinc helps strengthen your immune system as well as aiding in cell growth, division and repair. Every single person in my family was sick a couple of weeks ago, guess who didn’t get sick? Me! It very seriously has helped keep my acne to a minimum as well. I wish I had done that google search a long time ago!
Because my diet sucks, for lack of a better word. I’m working on it, but there’s no way I’m presently eating the appropriate amount of vitamins needed daily in a lean cuisine.
What Does It Do?
Supplements my diet of frozen meals and fast food I’m not sure of the exact statistics, but I do know I feel much better when I remember to take a multivitamin.
Those are the vitamins I take every day and here are a couple I take on occasion.
Apple Cider Vinegar
A friend of mine swears by it, so I checked it out myself and now swear by it as well. I take it after meals, as many of the websites I read advised.
What Does It Do?
“relief from pollen, relief from non-threatening food and pet allergies, sinus infections, acne, candida, acid reflux, high cholesterol, sore throats, blood pressure, arthritis and gout. In addition, apple cider vinegar is very useful in aiding weight loss. When combined with a regular exercise program, apple cider vinegar vitamins can very powerfully curb appetite, reduce excess fluids that cause bloating and aid in the fat burning process.” (www.applecidervinegarweightloss.com)
B Complex
Don’t laugh, but…I had a coupon So, once again, I did a little research and thought what the heck. I don’t usually take this one unless my energy levels are super low, but it wouldn’t hurt to take it daily.
What Does It Do?
There are tons of benefits, but the reason I take it is for energy. Check out the bazillion and one benefits of taking B Complex here.
So there you have it folks, my arsenal of vitamins. Feel free to share your favorites in the comments!
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