He made a book about himself:
We did a scavenger hunt! On the list were the library, his cubby, the gym, and several other places he spends his time during the week.
He showed us his daily journal. I snapped a pic of this page he wrote about Cason, just because I thought it was so sweet!
Our favorite teacher (even though she isn't HIS teacher) HeHe (I mean, uh.. Mrs. Gustavus...) came to look at his work also.
Our house, in Lucas' eyes... pretty good!
Lucas loves Mrs. Brown, and I think the feeling is mutual. I am so glad he's been blessed with an awesome lady as a teacher.
Papaw and Nana even tagged along for the evening, and went to dinner with us afterwards.
TO be honest, I am not sure where Cason was at while we snapped this picture (also not sure why I look at least 4 months pregnant... 'cause I'm not!)
And, last but not least, the "helper chart". Lucas was so proud and excited that he is the germ-x squirter. Go figure!
so cute!! you look great by the way!!!
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