The blogging and twitter community can be a wonderful thing. It is a wonderful place to share the little moments of our lives with other people like us. I have had the privilege of celebrating many joys in the lives of my twitter and blog friends and the honor of praying for them in trying times as well.
I began reading Julee Turner's blog several years ago and enjoyed following along with her life. Julee's beloved husband passed away after a car accident this past weekend and leaves behind Julee and their beautiful baby girl, Preslee. I have never met Julee in person but have shared in our lives through our blogs.
Life is hard.
Sometimes, especially lately, I feel like life is surrounded by really hard things. I have just been in constant prayer for Julee this week and it just seems so unfair. I HATE what she is going through. Another family I know of lost their 7 year old granddaughter a few weeks ago - she was hit by a schoolbus. I would do anything to take that back for them. My precious friends Jeremy and Ashley's daughter Morgan has been fighting cancer for a few years (she is 11). She is in the fight of her life right now and it's so hard for their family and I feel helpless that all I can do is pray. My mom is battling cancer herself (more on that later, maybe). And of course you know about our little love Bryson and his struggles. He has been in the hospital this week because of an infection (but is home now).
I get texts and phone calls EVERY day about hard things. I pray through tears and wonder why some families have to deal with more than others. I have a strong faith on a solid foundation but I find myself lately asking "What are you doing God?" I trust Him with every ounce of my being.......but I can't understand the big picture. And I think it's okay to question God.
I'm pretty sure that there are so many who don't believe in God or maybe are just starting a journey in your relationship with Christ or even those of you who have been believers for 30 years and KNOW that God is good.........but when you hear hard things - it's hard not to be shaken.
I don't have the answers. I know God is good. I know that God loves us so much that he let his OWN SON die just so we could have abundant life with Him. I heard someone say this once and this is kind of my motto......
"You have to decide for yourself - either you are going to trust God or you aren't. In all things." And I have decided to trust God.
He never promised this world wouldn't be hard. "In this world you will have trouble.But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33" He also says "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deut 31:6.
I read these verses last night:
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
I've been praying these verses for Julee this week:
We do not know what to pray for but the Holy Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. Romans 8:26
I would have despaired unless I believed I would see the goodness of The Lord in the land of the living. Psalm 27.13
Jesus sits on the right hand of God praying for us. He is holding your hand in His hand. We WILL have hard times on this earth. And that's where we make the choice - do we trust God works it all for the good (sometimes good that we might not see in our lifetime) or do we forsake Him and choose anger and bitterness? I'd rather have God hold my hand through the good and bad.
I know many of you are facing GIANTS in your life. Hard HARD things that you think you can't bear. I'm praying you can drop them at the feet of Christ and let Him carry your burdens for you.
I love the blogging community. Today is Matt's funeral - PLEASE cover Julee in prayers. And, Please pray for each other. And know God loves you. Even when you can't see it.
How to Install a Corkboard Wall
5 years ago
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