Saturday, March 16, 2013


Sooo, it has been a while. A long, long, incredibly too long while since my last pop in. I have a confession to make … I’ve been going to bed at a relatively reasonable time the last several months which kills anytime I had to blog. Ha! I am lying.  

I have not gone to bed early- at all.  You know me better than that!

In January, we drudged through lots of rainy, cold weather but were blessed with a gorgeous, near 80 degree Saturday for celebrating Cason’s THIRD birthday party! He is such a big boy.  

A few other things have taken place…Heath and I celebrated my birthday in Ft. Worth with friends.  We were there for AdvoCare’s 20th Anniversary celebration anyway, so why not?!

We moved.  I mean, we are Moving.  Still.  Our clothes, dishes, toilet paper, towels, and soap are unpacked so far… so we are doing good right?

Our AdvoCare business has been just … crazy. Crazy-good. Like… amazing, really and can’t really explain what a blessing it has been for us.  We are all healthy, full of energy… and our finances have never looked better, honestly!

Oh, and we are still moving.  Two weeks later. On top of all that Heath has been travelling for work.  Eek!

You see, baseball started too.  And that sort of put a damper on things.  Speaking of, Lucas is playing league ball AND was also picked up on a select team.  Completely NUTS. Really.Did I mention that we are moving? Still.

I would say at least every other night, this blog is on my mind when my head hits the pillow. And I think I will for sure, most definitely blog tomorrow. pshh. And tomorrow comes and goes and I never did blog. Tag me a slacker. I have so much to post on here and so many pictures to share – have mercy. It will take me forever!!! BUT I will have to start soon – I want it all posted before I can really rest again… right?

So be on the look out for posts to start appearing … again. Whoo-hoo! I promise to start carving out a time to blog. And I’m pretty sure since I just stated that sentence {the sentence before this sentence,} one of the besties {who will remain anonymous} will remind me daily to blog. I know her. She will text, email, facebook, … and call wondering where the heck the next post is. Seriously, it will be borderline harassment. Again, I know this girl.  

I digress- so, here are a few pics to satisfy the Jackson journal cravings for now.


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