It was so cute, this morning on the way to school Lucas says, "Daddy has a big test today and if he wins he gets Captain!" I said, “yes, you are right, but if he doesn't get it thats ok too". So he replies, "Why is that ok? We want him to get it". I told him, “yes, we want him to get it but if it isn't in God's plan for him to be a Captain right now, then it wont happen right now.” I told him how God has a plan for all of us and how God already knows when Daddy will be a captain. Lucas thinks about this. I continue, with how God already knows what he (Lucas) will be when he is a grown up, who he will marry, how many kids he will have, etc. Lucas says, "Man. he does? Why doesn't he just tell us? I think I'm going to have 15 kids."
After I explained to him about paying for kids and buying diapers and clothes and food, he said, "Ok. Maybe just 9 kids then."
I told him that I already felt sorry for whoever his wife was going to be and he said " Man, yea, me too. She will have all those babies in her tummy and her tummy will be WAY fatter than yours Mommy”
Oh, my Lucas, how you make me smile, laugh, and thank God that you are part of his plan for me!
How to Install a Corkboard Wall
5 years ago