Dear Lucas,
Today, you are 4 years, 6 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days old. Physically, not much changes about you on a month-to-month basis, other than new scrapes, bruises and various other "bo-bo's" that are all a part of being a boy.
I am happy to report that you are loving t-ball. I think baseball is definitely "your" sport. I think that you would play all day if we would let you. Just last night you and I went outside and played catch. I think you are already better than me. Which isn't say a whole lot... but really, you are doing so good!
You also adore school. You are learning so much about letters, numbers, and other things. One of your favorite times at school is Bible story time, with playground time being a close second favorite.
Recently, you have just gotten funnier and funnier. You have quite the personality, my boy. You enjoy laughing as well as making other people laugh.
Current favorite toys - baseballs (of course), Buzz Lightyear, hotwheels, the wii, your new
We love listening to music, of any type, on the way to and from school. You love 89.3 (christian) and country. Your favorite singers are Uncle Chad, and the Zach Brown Band. Some of your favorite songs are: Today, by Uncle Chad; Toes, Chicken Fried and Sick em on a chicken, Zach Brown Band; Big Green Tractor, Jason Aldean; Little Black Dress, Chris Young; Crying for me, Toby Keith. There are many more that you know all of the words to, but those listed are your favorites.
Some cute things that you say - Instead of saying than, (taller than, faster than) you replace it with of (taller of, faster of). CUTE. Most words that begin with L still come out sounding like a W (wittle, Wucas, wove you) but you are slowly getting out of it and catching yourself before you say it.
Since Cason was born you have grown and matured so much. You are an excellent big brother and Cason is so lucky to have you. I know that he will always look to you for guidance and example. To be honest, I was dreading you becoming a big brother because I knew it would cause you to grow up even more! I am not ready for either one of my little boys to grow up. Especially you because you were, are, and always will be my very first baby! You taught me so much, and still are teaching me everyday. Daddy and I would be lost without you Lucas.
I love you little Lucas bear!
How to Install a Corkboard Wall
5 years ago
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