This past weekend, my family gathered at my Aunt Gayle's house in Crockett for the annual Mother's Day fish fry. Almost all of my grandmas granchildren and great grandchildren were there, which was extra special for her. We planned to have my Aunt E take family pictures that day, but Lucas ended up with an upset tummy so we left early since he wasn't feeling well. We were able to get a lot of good snapshots, though. Take a gander:

the whole group

One of my Granny's sisters, Gracie was there also, along with my grandpas sister, who is like another sister to Granny. It was good to see them and catch up. Everyone is so busy these days, we need to take more time to slow down and enjoy one anothers company!
Evidently blooger isn't uploading pics correctly now, so I will have more to come later from this special day!
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