This week has been a wierd one. Monday was a holiday, and Tuesday the daycare was closed for staff training. I was off on Monday, but not Tuesday. Heath had to work his seven day stretch beginning Monday night, but we had no other choice than for the boys to stay home with him Tuesday. They did ok, he managed to get Cason to sleep. A lot, evidently. Ever since then his sleep schedule has been pretty wacky. We haven't been to bed before midnight once this week. That combined with the constant go,go,go of the season, and Lucas waking me up at 4 two different mornings has equaled one tired little mama. Each night this week has also held some sort of event or... you got it, baseball practice. We have been super busy at work, also. I'm telling you ALL of that so that I can tell you this: I forgot to finish some of my posts! I don't even recall where I left off, nor do I have the energy to look into it. So, here are some pictures of Lucas' Pre-K Graduation party we had last Friday night at Margaritas. He had a lot of fun with some of his best little buddies, and we had fun visiting with their families.
Lucas, Raymond, Bo, and Caden:
Allllll our friends that made it:
After dinner, we had an oreo cookie cake! It was really good. I have a problem letting go and just buying a store bought cake sometimes. I always feel like I need and want to make the boys cake myself, but sometimes it just isn't possible. Kroger did a GREAT job on this one, and I am beginning to see that, well, no one except me really cares if it is home made or not!
My boys:
Heath and Jake talking: (can guarantee the topic of conversation was either hunting, fishing, guns/ammo, or some sort of animal)
Sandy and Kenny D:
Cason stuffing his face:
Nana and Papaw :
Becky and Aunt Peggy even made it!
Allll the boys, doing what they do best:
Allll the boys and one big sister. Love Bo's cross-eyed face on the far left:
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