Lucas is having a “ball” and learning so much. He has improved in every area – his bat, his glove, his run… just since starting All-Stars. It is obvious this boy has some raw, natural talent. Now that he is with a group of older boys that challenge him and bring out his {natural} competitive edge, he is on fire!
One of my favorite things to do, while I watch Heath and Lucas practice, is to play with Cason in the dirt and grass. One of Cason’s favorite things to do is to run and hide from me. It is so cute! He gets the BIGGEST smile on his face when I run after him, and giggles uncontrollably when I catch and tickle him!
I know this tired, busy season of our lives is just that – a season. I may be exhausted and overworked, but this season of our lives is the best and funnest yet! One day when my boys are grown and gone, I will miss these days. For now, these two little boys are having the time of their lives and Heath and I are blessed enough to be a part of it. Who cares if we are rarely home for more than a few hours, our laundry piles up, and our house is messy? We are savoring every moment together and that my friends is what life is all about! My great aunt once said, “My house is clean enough to be healthy, but messy enough to be happy.” That is definitely the story for the Jackson family here lately! I’ll end this random post with a picture of something rare and precious – down time!
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