I'm sure 98% of you are into pinterest but if you aren't or have no idea what I'm talking about - www.pinterest.com.
You know how you find things on the internet that you think are such cute ideas? Party ideas, recipes, home design, clothes, photos you want to take of your kids..........but then you go to use that idea and have NO idea where you saw it??? Well - now you can use this site to "pin" your ideas and put them on boards. I absolutely love it. AND you can follow all your creative friends and see what great things they are finding and pin their ideas to your boards too.
Warning: It gets a little overwhelming and if you are like me - it's creative overload and I start feeling a little pitiful because of how little time I have. I know I can do MOST of these projects, but the time just isn't there right now. But it's a great place to keep good recipes or just any idea you might need. Or to help you plan parties.
Warning #2: It's a huge time zapper. And one I don't need. I already can't keep up with email and blog and facebook as it is. But sometimes late at night..................I do enjoy a little pinning! DO YOU?
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