I guess some people are simply not affected by the artificial sweetener, aspartame, that is in the majority of diet drinks. I am not one of those people. It effects every aspect of my well being. There are a gajillion articles online about the horrible effects this ingredient can have on your body, so I’ll let you do your own research. Suffice to say, there is study after study proving it’s negative side effects. I hate to sound like one of those crazy people who thinks the FDA is behind some evil plot to poison us all, but this stuff is horrible for you and they approved it. You cannot trust the government to tell you what is and is not good to put into your body.
Like I said, it’s in almost every artificially sweetened drink or product on the market. The two main things I had to eliminate in my every day life were Diet Coke and "lite" yogurt. Aspartame is even in some vitamins and medicine. Diet Coke seems to have the highest concentration of it that I’ve experienced, and in quitting drinking this alone I saw a drastic improvement in my mood. Every now and then I think I can have one Diet Coke and be fine, but 100% of the time I feel the effects. It’s so strange how something millions of people drink every day can effect me so greatly.
If you currently eat, drink, take or chew anything that is artificially sweetened I challenge you to eliminate these things from your diet for a week and take notice of the improvement in your quality of life.
Now, stepping off my crazy conspiracy soapbox.
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