"In the fire academy I had to write a report over "backdraft" the movie. We had to point out all the things wrong or unrealistic with the movie. As i sit here in the hospital thinking about yesterday I keep thinking about the most realistic part in that movie, simply the phrase "you go...we go." This phrase, however hokey it sounds says it all. Firefighters truly are brothers and it is an awesome feeling to know that in a time of need, they'll be there, whether its in a fire when flames are kissing your face, or when sitting in a hospital room with a sick child.
Thank you to all my brothers, family, and friends for being there when things were rough. It is truly unbelievable to see so many people come together in support."
Now, that I am done sobbing (again), I will continue. Unfortunately, I didn't get a single picture at the benefit! I did win one of the raffles items I bid on though, so that was exciting!! We were so glad to help in what small ways we contributed, and simply amazed at the large amount of generosity displayed by this small community.
After the benefit, we headed home to get ready for the Halloween carnival/haunted house at the unit. (prison talk for all of you non-institutionalized followers). I DID snap a few pictures before it got dark!
Spiderman and Sheriff Cason
Aren't they CUTE?
My two favorite little boys and me... notice Cason's fingers on his left hand. Heath has done the same thing with his fingers since he was a child. There are countless pictures of him as both a kid and adult with his fingers doing the same thing. Isn't it funny what character traits get passed down?
Missy, Cory, and Paxton came out to hang out also. Paxton dressed up as an elephant. He was nice and snuggly warm in there!
My little sheriff patroling the grounds ;)
Aren't they a sweet little family?!
Paxton and Cason - life long buddies in the making.
Lucas (shoving an oatmeal creme pie in his mouth), Hunter and Tanner
Cason asked Lucas for a bite of his cream pie, so Lucas broke a piece off. Only, he made a terrible mistake and gave Cason the smaller piece... what was he thinking?! Yes, Cason was crying as he shoved his small piece into his mouth, isn't that just pitiful?
More good friends... Eddie and his boys!
Heath and I were talking this weekend about how blessed we are with such wonderful friends. It seems like here recently our friendships have gotten stronger with several people. We have been praying about where to buy a house. Maybe all of these friends in Huntsville that we seem to be getting closer and closer to, friends we share so much with - our values, beliefs, kids...is a sign that we should stay right here in this little community!
Man, I miss y'all tons! The pics are great! Love the pitiful one of Cason, too cute! The boys are getting so big! Oh and I love that kids elephant costume !!! Soooo adorable.
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