Our little buddy Blayne has a birthday just two days after Lucas' birthday. This year, he specifically wanted a Halloween carnival birthday, so his mom and dad fixed him up! They had all sorts of carnival games, pumpking painting, and everyone dressed up. We had so much fun with our friends. We are so thankful that God has put our families together. We never knew that two years ago such a strong friendship would be formed on the tailgate of a truck while watching our then four year old boys play tee ball, but it sure has. Tim and Brittany (and their boys) are so special to us.
Lucas went as Batman, and Cason was Clark Kent (Superman). He had the most adorable little black frame glasses that really completed the outfit, but he would not leave them on.
I was a baseball all-star, and Heath was... well... He was supposed to be a 50's greaser. The wig was kinda funky though. A lot of people thought he was Elvis, ha! We were going for more of a Fonzie-type look, but oh well. It didn't take him long to shed the hair and jacket!
There were several celebrities amongst us that night. For example, some of my favorites:
Mildred the lunch lady (most of the night he walked around stirring his pot of slop (chili) |
SpiderWOman |
Woody, from Toy Story...isn't he a doll? |
my very own little Batman |
Iron Man (married to SpiderWOman.. who knew!) |
Iron Man, Thing One from Dr. Suess, and The Cat in the Hat |
Scooby-Doo! always one of my favorites!
Cason enjoyed eating pizza!
We had fun talking with friends, playing games, and face painting...
Blayne's cake was really cool, and very tasty! Cason loved these mini cupcakes, too!
Cason and his pal Jaxon. These two have been friends since they were infants. If they are anything like their daddies, we will have our hands full for sure!
The Buhler family... Tim, Brittany, Mason, and Blayne (and soon to be home with them after ten weeks in NICU ...baby Bryson!)
Heath and Tim having a good laugh... who knows what subject they were covering this time. We are so blessed with such great friends! |
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