Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Heath!

When you are looking for someone to marry - there are so many important qualities you hope to find

Someone who is Christian, and loves others, who is a hard worker, someone who makes you laugh, someone who is smart.............................

One of the most important things is marrying someone who will be a good dad.  But that's hard to know when you are dating.  I lucked out because I married someone who had everything I had hoped for AND he's the BEST dad.  My favorite memories are of watching him with his boys and just how sweet and gentle and loving he is with them.  Lucas and Cason are so lucky to have a daddy who loves them so much!

Happy Birthday to the man I'm lucky enough to spend my life with and to share two sons with.  I wish I could do something great to celebrate his birthday this year, something extravagant or tropical-themed... but instead we are going out with friends to eat MUD-BUGS (yea, crawfish).  I hope he knows how proud I am of him and how much I appreciate him and how thankful I am that God thought enough of me to let me marry him!

I think I'll tell him.

Happy Birthday Heath! I love you. All three of us do!!

Friday, March 18, 2011


I really love that word.  Quirky.  Fits me to a tee. (T?) Anyway, I have a cousin-that-is-more-like-a-sister-cause-we're-the-only-girls type cousin that also fits me to a tee. Seriously, ask her, we're like interlocking puzzle pieces. (Inside joke).  We speak our own language most of the time.  Here's a sample:

Dear L,

i saw the condo.................

i could have my own room.

the crotch of my pants is saggy. i'll never wear these pants again.

i am the queen of random.
Dear MJ,
I love the condo.

You could have your own room…

I will paint your name on the wall…

My pants are saggy too. It’s a weird day. My shirt won’t stay tucked in. I look floppy.

Its St. Patrick’s day. I wore a green scarf… except my neck doesn’t want to be touched anymore. So I took it off. Now I have no green. I think the look on my face will deter those who would attempt a pinch. No no I say to them, those wicked wicked pinchers.

I want to go home.


Dear L,

I do want my name on the wall. And my own blanket. Cason and Lucas got a blanket. I want a blanket.

We shall declare today SP Day. Not St. Patricks day, but Saggy Pants Day!

FLoppy is a more than accurate description of how I feel today.

I was wearing a green necklace. Big, heavy green stones that made my neck hurt. So it was removed. My green is gone as well. Except for the green snot that is filling my head due to my ever present SINUS infection. But, I double dog dare anyone in this place to attempt to pinch... I dare 'em. That would just make my day. Who decided that you should get pinched on St. Pat day anyway? It was probably a man! Hold that thought... I'm googling it. Don't you love that googling is a verb? (Dear yahoo, Ever hear anyone say, "let's yahoo it!"? Didn't think so. Just saying)

Ok. I am back. That was quick, wasn't it? I'm a google pro. I should work for google. Here we have it:

• Pinch me, I’m Irish

Forgot to wear green on St. Patty’s Day? Don’t be surprised if you get pinched. No surprise, it’s an entirely American tradition that probably started in the early 1700s. St. Patrick’s revelers thought wearing green made one invisible to leprechauns, fairy creatures who would pinch anyone they could see (anyone not wearing green). People began pinching those who didn’t wear green as a reminder that leprechauns would sneak up and pinch green-abstainers.


Dear MJ,

I will make you a blanket. Pick some colors.

I feel floppy as well. I worked a 10.5 hour day yesterday and I’ve pretty much been over today since 930 this morning.

Leprechauns. I’ve never had the pleasure of coming across one. But I love mythical creatures. I would like to meet a leprechaun. I imagine they are ehhh about 8 inches tall. Like the gnomes in “The Gnome Mobile”. I would let my leprechaun friend ride around on Penny’s back… should he be nice and not pinch me. I will even craft him a saddle… and quilt penny a tiny saddle blanket.

I am, after all, a silly doodean.


Dear L,

First off... I didn't know what a doodean was, so guess what? I googled it. Yep, I sure did. And this is what it said:

A funny carrot red haired man who wears Kermet the frog undies when going to the George, or to GUBU where he was most recently spotted by Petra the Great.

Can you believe that sh!t? HAHAHA. You doodean!

Remind me next time to get Lucas to tell you all about the little green men. Last year at school, while they were outside, his teacher had someone sneak in and destroy their classroom and leave clover and little green charms all over the place. They turned the chairs and tables upside down, made the fish and toilet water green, and switched everyones names around. His account of the entire thing is hilarious. That night he was terrified that the leprechauns were in his closet waiting for him to go to sleep. Thank goodness this week is Spring Break and he has forgotten about that incident. However, nowadays, if his room is a mess, the leprechauns did it.


This continued for the rest of the afternoon... Gotta love that girl.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

That's what he said!

When Lucas was just a wee baby, I stayed home with him for the first year.  He learned by watching and copying everything I did. He was the only kid around most of the time so he really grew up faster than most, in my opinion.  He crawled, walked, and talked at a very early age. Cason is developmentally almost exactly on the same time frame as Lucas, maybe even a little faster.  But, he has Lucas to copy, and follow.  Whatever Lucas is doing, Cason wants to do it as well.  And, therefore, whatever Lucas SAYS, Cason wants to say also.  Yesterday he learned:


He also now knows how to body slam, and "shake his booty". This should continue to get even more interesting and funny as the days go by!

Miscellaneous... A picture post!

I know you all have been patiently awaiting some new pictures from my fancy-schmancy new camera.  If you are my friend on facebook, then you have already been subject to it's greatness. I am so in love with it and learning more everyday!  Here are some random pictures of what we've been up to lately!

Nice,  lazy spring days, relaxing outside :

Playing in the dirt:
(thooper man looks thooper pissed)


Isn't always as relaxing as it should be, evidently:

Talking on the phone:

Playing with the dogs:
(Lucas loves this one because Sarge is "smiling")

Playing baseball in the yard:

Being silly:

Bubble baths:

Learning new things, like books, puzzles, and crayons: 

Spending time with Granny:



Helping with dinner:

And, cleanup:


 More pictures and fun to come later this week!  For now, it's back to work I go. Break is OV-A! 

My oldest boy

My oldest boy is:

quirky (like me)

 My oldest boy is not:


I had my camera in hand, ready to shoot, and told him to make his favorite faces.  This was all done in a matter of about ten seconds! This boy is so photogenic.  But, I am to blame- he has had a camera stuck in his face since the day he was born and he knows how to work it.

My first haircut...

Our big boy got his first big boy haircut! He walked into the salon looking like a baby, and walked out looking like a real kid! My stylist, good friend and cousin-in-law Abigail did the cut and she did a great job with. She really loves kids and has a little boy of her own, so she knew what it took to get the job done... a blue sucker! By the time we left, Cason, Abigail, her chair, and myself were covered in a layer of blue sticky! Here are a few pics:

Uhh... Mommy? What is going on here?

Needed a little persuasion, after literally jumping out of the chair!

Lucas got a cut also.  He wanted a mohawk, but we opted for a less extreme version.  The hair on top is a little longer than the sides, and looks fun when we "stick it up", but also looks good when combed down.


After (he loves it!)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Movin' on up....

Look! I got a new blog design! Isn't it sweet? I also got a custom signature, see:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Still playing catch up...

I feel old. I have found that if I don't blog daily, or soon after something funny or significant happens... I forget!! I had several topics floating around in my head this week, but things at work have been nothing short of chaotic. You see, I work for the grand ole State of Texas - Department of Criminal Justice to be exact.  And, Texas, you see, is in a bit of a pickle given the current massive budget shortfalls.  For TDCJ that equals... you got it, a Reduction In Force.  That, my friends, is stressful.  Given my current position, in a high profile office, makes it even more stressful.  I was fairly confident from the beginning that my job is safe and had that confirmed this week by my boss. However, that doesn't change the fact that people I know, people I grew up with, and people I work with daily were effected.  Sad business. 

Anyway, everything going on at work, plus everything going on at home (grocery shopping, t-ball meetings, Scentsy activities, etc etc etc...) has left my blog on the back burner. So, heres a list of some things we've been up to lately.  You know I love a good list.

 Lucas and Cody at Cody's party

Heath bought me a new camera!! I am so excited. It is brand-spankin'-new and top of the line. I have been playing with it a lot. The quality of my blog pics is about to drastically improve!
  This little baby right here, complete with an exrta wide angle lens (perfect for baseball shots!), all kinds of accesories, and a sweet bag to hold it all!

Lucas' t-ball team, the Arizona Diamondbacks, is fully up and running and we begin practice next week!!  Heath had a coaches meeting at the fields Wednesday night so the boys and I came to town with him and played on the playground nearby.  Lucas and another little boy quickly attached themselves to one another and played what sounded like their version of hide and go seek.  Cason found the slide and absolutely loved it!! I think we must have climbed and slid (is that a word?) and climbed some more. We had a great time, and despite the low lighting/twilight time of day- my camera outdid itself and got some GREAT shots... that I still need to upload to the computer!!!!!!!

Cason is chattering up a storm. He has started saying several new things this week, to include:

love you
(this is so adorably cute, it's just unbelievable)

Tuesday, I took the day off and spent some time with just Heath and Lucas. Sometimes he needs a little one-on-one time. Part of being the older kid, I guess. Afterall, he was our one and only for 4 years! We spent the day in The Woodlands.  We all had a really good time.  Afterwards, we picked Cason up from daycare and spent the rest of the afternoon playing outside at home. ((And trying out my new camera!))

Monday, the boys and I went to the park after I picked them up and played for about thirty minutes...good way to release some energy!

Other than that, our week has been filled with normal, everyday stuff.