Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Start of something NEW

You know that feeling that starts deep down inside, as a little thought or memory, then slowly creeps up into your chest, and then your throat... That lump, that then edges its way up into your eyes, and comes out in the form of tears?

I am often moved to tears by the slighest of things - a song, my kids hugging each other, or a phone call from a friend. Certainly, you can imagine the lump in my throat as I watched my first sit on stage at his Pre-K graduation donning his Hornet green cap and gown.

And, my boy with his hand over his heart saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

Invision if you will, the pride I felt when he announced on video that he wishes to be a fireman, and save people from fires.

There was a huge smile on my face, and laughter in the air, as he did the Cotton-eyed Joe with his classmates, and then performed  I'm From the Country, while dancing with a GIRL for the first time!

What about when he walked across the stage and received his Pre-K diploma?

 And, even better, as he led his class in prayer in front of an entire church sanctuary, without hesitation or fear. Is that MY kid?

Yes, that is my boy.  As I watched and listened to Lucas pray and perform, I could not believe that my baby, my first born, that little seven pound eleven ounce miracle is now a five year old little boy. My little boy. My boy, who is anything but boring.

My boy that has a passion for baseball, who loves unconditionally, who is quiet one minute and rambunctious the next.

My boy, who can turn my whole day around with that smile and those dimples.

My boy, whose laugh is infectious.

My boy, who wants to be a fireman. A real, live fireman.

Yes, my boy. My boy up on the stage making me cry and smile and laugh all at the same time. My boy, five whole years in the making, who is about to embark upon his journey of Kindergarten. He will leave behind his beloved Ms. Jackie, and start a new adventure. 

A new school. New friends, new teachers. I can't wait to join him in this adventure and see what awaits us!

HBBA T-Ball Awards Ceremonies

The regular season for t-ball is over! Last week, HBBA hosted an awards ceremony for the participating teams.  Our team got a Second place medal for placing in the tournament! Each player also received a trophy. We had such a good time this year, and are all looking forward to participating in All-Stars this summer.  Lots of pictures to follow!

Getting his medal from Daddy

Our awesome coaches - BJ McMichael, Heath Jackson and Jason Sullivan

And the coach's kids! Elijah McMichael, Lucas Jackson, Cody Sullivan. (total coincidence that they lined up in the exact order of their dads!)

Classmates - Cody, Gino, David and Lucas

us :)

The boys (Lucas, Blayne and Cody) found something to do while waiting for their turn.

Wrastle!! Lucas and Blayne. Love the expression.

Getting his trophy!

The Buhler's - Brittany, Tim, Blayne and Mason (some of our best friends!) Aren't they cute?

Monday, May 23, 2011


I woke up feeling rather fortunate this morning, as usual, so I thought I'd share this with my blog friends:

Just a thought.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

He will not let your foot slip...

Fool with a Fancy Guitar

Last night I was busy getting lunches made, and clothes laid out when I heard this song by Andrew Peterson playing on my iPod. And the lyrics stopped me in my tracks – just like they always do.

Because every single time I hear these words, I think, “That’s my testimony.”

I mean, not the part about being a fool with a fancy guitar. Since I don’t really play the guitar. I’m more of a fool with an fancy camera.
And not the part about being a prince. Since I’m a girl and all.

But everything else?


I can relate.

It’s so easy to cash in these chips on my shoulder
So easy to loose this old tongue like a tiger
It’s easy to let all this bitterness smolder
Just to hide it away like a cigarette lighter
It’s easy to curse and to hurt and to hinder
It’s easy to not have the heart to remember
That I am a priest and a prince in the Kingdom of God
I’ve got voices that scream in my head like a siren
Fears that I feel in the night when I sleep
Stupid choices I made when I played in the mire
Like a kid in the mud on some dirty blind street
I’ve got sorrow to spare, I’ve got loneliness too
I’ve got blood on these hands that hold on to the truth
That I am a priest and a prince in the Kingdom of God
I swore on the Bible to not tell a lie
But I’ve lied and lied
And I crossed my heart and I hoped to die
And I’ve died and died
But if it’s true that you gathered my sin in your hand
And you cast it as far as the east from the west
If it’s true that you put on the flesh of a man
And you walked in my shoes through the shadow of death
If it’s true that you dwell in the halls of my heart
Then I’m not just a fool with a fancy guitar
No, I am a priest and a prince in the Kingdom of God

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One more....

Couldn't resist... I had to share this one. Now, this picture is plenty sweet looking, but don't let these two little "angels" fool you. They tie up and fight on a regular, if not daily, basis! But, its the moments like these - the good ones, that outweight the moments when Lucas is tripping Cason, or Cason pokes Lucas in the eye, or pinches him, and when Lucas decides to snatch Cason's toy from his hand!

(take note of the dirty, old, worn hat that is a permanent fixture on Lucas' head.  more on that later)

One of the Big Boys

Cason thinks he is one of the big boys! He just doesn't understand why he can't get on the field and play with the boys during the game, so during practice and warm up we let him run around too.  He thinks he is so cool. (and we think so too!)

When he is out there on the field, he doesn't have just one big "brother", he has a whole dugout full of them!

my boys - makes my heart happy!