Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Mother's Love for Her First-Born

I have given birth to two children in the last five years. I love both of them in very different ways. I love them both with a fierce protection. If I think about it too long and too hard, I would collapse from the intensity of the emotions that I feel for them. As my first born is entering his "big-kid" phase, I feel as if I am beginning this parenting thing all over again.

In so many ways, your first born is the guinea pig. They get all of it...your time, your attention, your worry, your doting. Lucas has multiple scrapbooks I've made for him...I havent even begun Cason's and he is nearly 1!

I was so immature when I had him, and in many ways I grew up with him. My parenting style was anything but consistent when he was little. He has learned with me as I have learned. I've made many mistakes (haven't we all?), but he is turning out to be a pretty good kid. ;)

How is it that the little boy who could not leave my side is about to start Kindergarten? The little boy who was obsessed with Diego and the Wonder Pets is now obsessed with baseball and wrestling, and has a crush on Carrie Underwood? In so many ways, he is still a little boy, and yet, I see tiny glimpses of the man he is turning into. I feel like I am treading on thin ice some days. Do I push him harder? Do I let him fall and learn on his own? Someone recently told me it was time to start letting him go a little, and I thought... Now? No, now is the time for guidance. Now is the time to be his cheerleader. Now is the time to let him know that he has to work hard for his character, work hard for integrity, work hard for the grades, work hard if he wants to be grand.

I've learned to set the standards high. If the standards are low, that is what he will deliver. If the standards are high, than he will try. And in the end, that is what I really want from him. Not perfection, but that he tried his hardest.

There will be plenty of time for letting go later.

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

I am thankful that I have this child in my life...and pray for daily guidance in the ways to rear him.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


A couple of weeks ago, someone sent me a message, asking on tips of how I stay so organized and together and dressed cute with two children. I seriously wanted to lay on the floor and laugh like a hyena for about an hour.

Because the truth is? I have never in my life been so disorganized, messy, frazzled, absent minded, and exhausted as since I became a mother. I don't feel like I have anything together. I spend a lot of days wondering if other mothers of small children feel like me or if they are as together and neat and organized as they seem?

I have always been a neat freak and I still try to keep my house clean but the truth is - with a pre-schooler who is constantly making messes, climbing on furniture or running from room to room – and a 9 month old that is following in big brothers footsteps, I can't do anything during my time at home but keep up with them. So the only time I can clean is nap time on the weekends, or after they go to bed. And partly because I work full time and partly because taking care of two active boys is exhausting - I have to be honest and say even though I make really ambitious lists every day of things I want to accomplish - I find myself most days during their sleep hours locking myself in the bathroom, instead of mopping the floors and doing laundry. I often wonder how four people can make SO much laundry and why does it always seem to be so piled up. I can't imagine how families of 6 or 8 do it!

Years ago I pictured my life as a mom and I imagined having the cleanest house ever and having home cooked four course meals every night and I would be so relaxed. Life now is not as I pictured. I never knew it would be so hard. I never knew I would be lucky to get anything cooked at night because it's hard to do anything with too much effort when you have to keep dragging your child out of dumpster diving in your trash or putting their toys in the dog's water bowl or somehow sneaking their bike up the stairs and into the shower without your knowing it… (still trying to figure that one out). I never dreamed I would spend a lot of weekends in sweats with no make-up just wondering when I might take a shower. I never dreamed I would lose just about everything I own and not know if I was coming or going most days because I was so tired. Is it just me or does anyone else feel this way?

I just wonder if all of you out there always have clean houses and laundry folded? Do you always have things organized or do you sit in the pediatrician’s office and say things like "I'm not sure what night it was he had fever or when he actually sprained his ankle because I haven't had a full night of sleep in nine months and I'm too tired to think?" Do you get sweaty and frazzled just trying to grocery shop with your kids? Or sitting in a waiting room? I'm a nervous wreck trying to keep them quiet and well behaved and always wondering what people are thinking of my skills as a mother.

I do a terrible job of making my husband feel special, keeping up with all my friends on a regular basis, remembering family birthdays, and you probably know I'm especially bad at keeping up with answering emails. Most nights I will open up my inbox and sigh and I want to write back and I'm just too exhausted to think. I always imagined me having amazing long quiet times with God in all my free time and that is one thing I have let slide that I regret and try to work on daily.

I'm not saying any of this to complain because I love my life. But I SURE don't have it together and I never want to make anyone think I do. We were watching a video from Deeper Still recently and Priscilla Shirer was sharing some things about being the mother of small children and I just sat and wept because I felt so much better to know if this Godly woman was saying sometimes she just counted down the hours until bedtime - maybe I was a normal mom. Maybe if other mothers feel stressed and disorganized and don't have perfect children and aren't perfect themselves - maybe we are all in this club together. I may not be Mrs. Cleaver - but I bet she wasn't always perfect either under those pearls and aprons. I bet she had meltdowns and lost her car keys (and would have lost her cell phone if she had one) and lost her temper with the Beaver at times too. I bet she sometimes even yelled at Ward when he got home because if he didn't help with Wally and the Beav for just a few minutes she was going to lose her mind.

The pictures that I e-mail and share are definitely edited versions! I rarely include the ones in which Cason is blood red, screaming his head off or the ones of Lucas rolling his eyes, or the ones of me with the hair I rolled out of bed with, no makeup and sporting my ‘fat’ pants. But that is how I look a lot of days. And that's okay. Because I wouldn't trade my imperfect life for a perfect one any day!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Dear Cason,

Dear Cason,

Today, you are 6 months, 2 weeks, and 5 days old! At your 6 month check-up, you weighed in at 18.4 lbs, and measured 26 ¾” long. Big boy!! Recently, you have started to:
Crawl…. Slowly, quickly, on your knees, and on your toes!
Say, “Da-da”. Sometimes, mainly when you are upset or hungry, you cry, “A-ma”, which to me translates as Mama.
Pull up on … everything! Furniture, peoples legs, stairs, toys, anything and everything you can get your hands on.

You are getting more accustomed to eating. You like squash, bananas, mashed potatoes, apples, pears, corn, sweet potatoes and strawberries-n-bananas. You don’t care for sweet green peas, or carrots, too much. You’re favorite is oatmeal cereal mixed with a touch of banana. Yumm!

This week, you have really started to “play”. You love your toys. We keep them in a basket in the living room and you know right where they are!! You love to dump the basket out and scatter them all over the floor, and do your best to climb into the basket. Funny, your favorite things to play with are shoe boxes, baskets, and empty paper towel rolls!

Bath-time is definitely a fun time in our house. You love to splash and play, especially when Lucas is in the tub with you. As soon as I take you into the bathroom and you see him in the tub you just start laughing! We have made several trips to the pool and you love to be there too! Water baby.

Half a year has flown by, baby boy! Before we know it, we will be planning your first birthday party and watching you walk!


Pre-K. You heard me. Pre-K. My oldest baby boy started Pre-K this morning. Can’t believe the last (almost) five years have gone by so quickly. I love you, Lucas and can’t wait to see what is in store for you over the next years!

Father of all mercies

We ask that you would bless

the youngest and littlest of learners,

the most helpless and powerless of persons,

with Your infinite and loving mercy,

granting them the strength to learn, concentrate,

and act appropriately towards their teachers and fellow students.

We also ask that You would watch over them,

at home and at school

and grant them proper direction so that they may learn

of Your wonderful virtues.

We ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen

Friday, August 13, 2010

Twenty Interesting Things...

Here are twenty interesting facts about the actress who starred as Scarlett O’Hara—the beautiful, one-eyebrow raising Vivien Leigh. (As always, feel free to shout out more facts you might know about, or point out any inaccuracies you might notice.)

There’s never been another like her.

1. When she began working with a talent agent at the beginning of her career, her married name was Vivian Holman. Her agent wanted her to change her name to “April Morn.” She instead chose Vivien (changed spelling) Leigh, after her husband Herbert Leigh Holman.

2. Vivien Leigh and Lawrence Olivier met and fell in love while filming Fire Over England in 1937. They were both married at the time, and continued their affair until their respective spouses granted them divorces. Leigh and Olivier were married in 1940. Katharine Hepburn was one of only two witnesses.

3. Vivien and her ex-husband Leigh Holman remained close throughout her life.

4. Vivien Leigh was quoted as saying that she never forgave the first critic who gave her a favorable review and called her a “great actress” because it put what she described as “such an onus and such a responsibility onto me, which I simply wasn’t able to carry.”

5. She ultimately won the role of Scarlett over Paulette Goddard, Jean Arthur, Joan Bennett, who had been narrowed down for the part.

6. Both Scarlett O’Hara’s and Vivien Leigh’s parents were French and Irish.

7. In the famous “I’ll never be hungry again” scene in Gone With the Wind—the part where Scarlett snarfs down a radish, then vomits—the vomiting noises had to be recorded by Olivia de Havilland. Whether this was because Vivien Leigh could not produce a realistic enough retching sound OR refused to do it because it wasn’t ladylike remains a point of dispute.

8. Vivien Leigh was paid between $25,000 and $30,000 for her role of Scarlett. (Clark Gable was paid $120,000 for his role as Rhett Butler.)

9. The actor who played Beau Wilkes (Melanie and Ashley Wilkes’ young son) in Gone With the Wind would later say that Vivien Leigh was very kind to him and was “one of the loveliest ladies” he had ever met.

10. Vivien Leigh was 25 when she filmed Gone With the Wind. The actress who played her mother was 28.

11. Vivien Leigh, a British actress, won two Oscars—both for playing the part of Southern belles: for Scarlett O’Hara/Gone With the Wind and Blanche DuBois/A Streetcar Named Desire.

12. Tennessee Williams (author of A Streetcar Named Desire) said that Leigh as DuBois was “everything that I intended, and much that I had never dreamed of.”

13. Vivien Leigh later said that it was playing the role of Blanche DuBois that finally “tipped me over into madness.”

14. Vivien Leigh suffered from bipolar disorder for years. Olivier later wrote about it extensively in his autobiography, and referenced many ways in which the illness hampered both her career and personal contentment, and their relationship. He wrote “Throughout her possession by that uncannily evil monster, manic depression, with its deadly ever-tightening spirals, she retained her own individual canniness – an ability to disguise her true mental condition from almost all except me, for whom she could hardly be expected to take the trouble.”

15. Leigh and Olivier divorced in 1960. She would later say that she “would rather have lived a short life with Larry [Olivier] than face a long one without him.”

16. Leigh reportedly had disproportionately large hands, and wore gloves frequently to cover them up. (Leigh was 5’3″)

17. Vivien Leigh was regarded as one of the most beautiful actresses of her time, and both Olivier and George Cukor lamented that her acting talents were often overlooked by her beauty. Cukor said that Leigh was “the consummate actress, hampered by beauty.”

18. Tuberculosis, from which Leigh had also suffered for years, was the ultimate cause of her death.

19. As a publicity maneuver, fans of Gone With the Wind (the book) were asked to vote by ballot as to who should play Scarlett in the movie. Out of hundreds of ballots, Vivien Leigh received one vote.

20. After Gone With the Wind premiered, The New York Times summed up how perfect she’d been for the role: “Miss Leigh’s Scarlett has vindicated the absurd talent quest that indirectly turned her up. She is so perfectly designed for the part by art and nature that any other actress in the role would be inconceivable.”

And I say amen to that.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Sorry for the boring title I just have so much to blog about that I wasn't sure what I should title this post so for now it is Hi. I hate that I have gone a whole month and I haven't updated my blog. Between taking care of kiddos, keeping up with our house, working, and spending time with Heath it leaves little time to blog. I could stay up late and blog, but right now I prefer to sleep so I typically go to bed between 9 and 10 PM. It can be overwhelming and stressful at times to be a working mommy, but it is all so worth it. I cherish the evenings and weekends with my little family. Our house might not be the cleanest, we may have piles of laundry, and stained carpet… but in the end, none of that matters anyway. The time we have spent together will make up our precious memories!

In the past several weeks we’ve had a lot going on, as usual!! At the beginning of July we enjoyed celebrating the 4th of July with family. It poured down rain for most of the day, but we still made the most of it ! We spent the day at Heath’s parents house with 2 of his cousins and their wives. After it stopped raining, we headed down to the community pool that overlooks Lake Livingston. At dark, we watched an awesome fireworks display poolside. Lucas loved it as usual. I was a little concerned that Cason might be scared of the noise, but literally everytime a firecracker would “pop”, he would laugh out loud. The more they popped, the more he laughed and eventually it turned into a full blown belly rolling laugh! Too cute. We’ve celebrated a few birthdays with friends, had some awesome dinners at our home and at friends home, and obtained a new dog… more on that later.

Also, this month, Heath and I joined the world of iphone users. It is definitely fun but also a detriment to my productivity at times. Now, the new has worn off and it’s not as hard to put it down though. It brings to light a totally different world and I really can’t remember what its like not to have the internet world at my fingertips or in my pocket when needed!

We have really been working with Lucas this month on swimming. He is doing so well and we are just both so very proud of him. When we go a week or so between visits to the pool, he is a little apprehensive at first about getting into water that he can’t stand up in, which is understandable. His confidence is growing every time we go though. Once he warms up, he is our little fish, swimming both under and above water, even in the deep end. Can’t believe my little boy is growing so quickly. I am so proud of him.

Towards the end of July, my good friend Lisa came to town to help with a wedding. Afterwards, Lisa, Jill and myself met for some Mexican food and visiting. It also happened to be Lisa’s 25th birthday. We had a great time catching up and visiting and even gossiping a little! I miss her so much and can’t wait to see her and Jake again. Hopefully soon we can go see them.

The last weekend of the month, Chad had a surprise 30th birthday for Tree. It was a luau themed party at one of their friend’s pool. SO nice!! Tree was very surprised and we all had a great time (especially the kiddos, who got to swim in their awesome pool, which included a rock waterfall and slide!)

Cason hit the 6 month mark this month also, and is already crawling. Not just scooting or army-crawling either, full-blown crawling! Just this week he started pulling up on the furniture as well. He is just too big for his 6 month britches, if you ask me! He is progressing well with eating solid foods. I am proud to say that even though I work full time, I continue to breastfeed exclusively. I am very fortunate to have a job and supervisor that allow a time and comfortable place for me to pump during the day so that he can only have breast milk while at daycare. My initial goal was to do this until he was 6 months old, so from here on out I will play it by ear as to his needs and wants. I am very happy and proud that he has gone the first six months with no formula whatsoever!

Last Friday, Lucas’ class took a field trip to the city pool and aquatic center. There is a large “spray-ground” and a kid sized water slide. Heath and I both took off and went with him. The fun in the sun and water was a nice break from the work day! Lucas had a blast with his class and teachers. This week is his last week as a preschooler. As of Monday, he will officially be in Pre-K! I can’t believe it. Sunday night we have a meet and greet at the church/school to meet his new teacher and see his new classroom. It is a bittersweet moment for me as I am so sad that my little baby boy is growing up so quickly!! I am also so proud to be his mommy and so proud of how smart, funny, and sweet he is!

Towards the end of the month, we made a surprise visit to Granny. Aunt E, Lauren, and all of us went to Crockett and surprised her. We had a nice visit and a nice lunch!

We snapped a few family shots this past month as well, hopefully they will upload! We have several things going on in August and September that will be fun blogging material. Fall ball is starting up soon, and we are taking a mini vacation!! Also in the coming months are planning for Lucas’ 5th birthday party, helping with a friend’s wedding, and hopefully lots of fun with friends and family. Hopefully I will be able to keep up and keep the blog rolling!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


On the 10th, my hubby and I celebrated our 5th year of marriage. My, oh my, how the time flies. I still remember falling for him. Hard and fast. Those forearms and that hiney and the SUZUKI was all I needed back then.

The Father of My Children
The Stealer of My Heart
The Recipient of My Affections
The Keeper of My Joy
The Igniter of My Passions
The Eater of My Cooking
The Hero of My Love Story
The Disrupter of My Sleep
The Subject of My Daydreams
The Tickler of My Armpits
The Poker of My Ribs
The Balancer of My Craziness
The Manager of My Remote Control
The Love of My Life

My hiney, it still tingles
When you walk in the room
And thanks for the children
You helped put in my womb.

The End.

Cason had his first cold this month. A doozy. Had to use a nebulizer and antibiotics. The lovely daycare snots got the best of him, you see. It wreaked havoc on him for a mere day or two though and he was back to himself. We have started veggies and fruit in the evenings. The next step in our quest for solid foods will be eating at school… what fun!

Lucas was able to go to VBS this month and he thoroughly loved every minute of it. The theme was Saddle Ridge Ranch. He had fun doing crafts, playing games, singing new songs, playing with friends, and most of all learning about JESUS! Some of the things he learned:

Bible Story: God Creates Adam & Eve (Genesis 2:4-24)
Life Application: I am God's greatest creation. I can praise Him.
Bible Verse: I will praise You, because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, and I know this very well. Psalm 139:14

Bible Story: Joseph Recalls God's Provision (Genesis 45:1-14)
Life Application: God cares about me. I can trust Him no matter what.
Bible Verse: Casting all your care upon Him, because He cares about you. (1 Peter 5:7)

Bible Story: Jesus Visits Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10)
Life Application: God has a plan for me. I can have a relationship with Jesus.
Bible Verse: For I know the plans I have for you - this is the Lord's declaration-plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

Bible Story: Jesus, Our Example (Luke 5:16; Luke 4:14-16; Mark 6:30-46) (Teaching that Jesus prayed, went to church, and cared about others)
Life Application: I can be like Jesus. I can follow His example.
Bible Verse: Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 2:5)

Bible Study: Go to it! Do it! (Philippians 4:4-9 )
Life Application: I know what to do. I can live in ways that honor God.
Bible Verse: Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives
to all generously and without criticizing, and it will be given to him. (James 1:5)
That was quite a busy week! VBS was complete on Thursday night. Friday, we attended the closing ceremonies for the 2010 HBBA Tball. Lucas was so proud of his “home run trophy” as he calls it! Can’t wait for next season.

Other than that, we’ve been doing lots of swimming, fishing and having fun outdoors. We have recently met some new friends that live in our neighborhood and are enjoying getting to know them (shout out to Summer).

For Father’s Day, we made Heath some special cheesecake cupcakes. We also got him a new water hose (he wanted one!), and Lucas picked him and Papaw out some fishing lures. I was so proud, he picked them out all by himself. Daddy and Papaw couldn’t be happier. After Heath got off of work, we spent the afternoon with Dad and Mom swimming. Fun times, I LOVE SUMMER TIME!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Because I Said SO!

“Because I said so!!” How many times have you caught yourself saying that to your children? Sometimes I get frustrated when Lucas wants specific reasons for why I told him to do something. The easiest thing to say is, “Because I said so!”

When we read the Bible we’ll often find there are specific things God wants us to do. Just like my Lucas, I often want to know the why’s, when’s, and how’s before I step out in faith. But true faith means obeying God even when all my questions aren’t answered. True faith also means trusting Him to provide the necessary answers when the time is right.

So, do you ever find yourself asking God why He wants you to do something? Just like we want our kids to do what we say, we should obey God today not because we necessarily understand but because, He said so.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Catch up - long post!

Story of my life – playing catch up!! We’ve been very active over the past couple of weeks. We ended the tee ball season, went to see Granny at the hospital, and spent time with friends on Memorial Day.

So, here’s the recap:

Memorial Day weekend, on Saturday, Heath’s parents went out of town to go see Nannie in Ft. Worth. We went swimming at their community pool. That was Cason’s first time in the pool and he loved it. Unfortunately I didn’t have my camera with me though!! After a nice, cool swim, we used their house to have a relaxing afternoon! On Sunday, we travelled to Palestine to see Granny, where she is recovering from a mild stroke. We had a nice visit with her, 3 of her sisters and my aunt and uncle. Afterwards, we enjoyed dinner, just the four of us.

Heath had to work on Monday, but afterwards we joined our friends Tim and Brittany at their house for fishing, burgers, and a great time! Their sons, Blayne – age 4 and Mason-age 3 and Lucas had a fun time playing together and being boys! Lucas and Blayne even jumped in the pond for an evening swim with Brandon. Lucas loved it. He never stops surprising me. I thought he would be scared since he couldn’t see the bottom, but he didn’t hesitate a bit to jump right in…. which is kind of scary!

On Tuesday, Cason had his 4 month checkup. I picked both him and Lucas up at daycare and headed to the Dr’s office, where Heath met us. Cason is doing great. Dr. Prier is very pleased with his size – he is not too fat and certainly not too thin! He weighs right at 15 pounds and is already over 26 inches long! Dr. Prier said he will most likely be tall and lean as an adult. Dr. Prier gave us the go-ahead to begin cereals, for a couple of weeks, and then veggies, fruits and so on. Things are about to get fun… especially in the diaper changing department! He also reported that from the looks of Cason’s development, he is about a month ahead of most four month olds and probably won’t be long before he is strong enough to begin crawling… and then comes the interesting part!! HA. Lucas just can’t wait for him to crawl, or so he thinks for now anyway! It might be a different story when Cason is mobile and can get in to Lucas’ “stuff”. After the checkup, of course, comes the worst part – the shots. He had to get two in each leg and Lucas did NOT like it. He hid his eyes and teared up because he didn’t like to see his little brother hurting! It was so sweet. He said he wished that he could have the shots instead, since he is bigger and tougher. Cason is very lucky to have such a loving, protective big brother!

The rest of the week was fairly normal – if that’s possible. Saturday, I helped host a baby shower, which is always fun. The building where it was held has a pool next to it, so while I was showering the mommy to be, Heath and his parents took the boys swimming. Saturday evening, Heath and I had a wedding to attend, so his parents kept the boys and we had a date! Weddings are always fun, and we enjoyed visiting with friends and relaxing and being a couple! Until next time… God Bless!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

One thing he is not....

My older boy, my first son, my precious four-year-old male child is many things:
Obsessed with his bike
Obsessed with baseball
Obsessed with his four wheeler
Terrbile to get out of bed every morning
Physically strong
Yes, I said four wheeler
In love with bugs
Filthy all the time
Sweaty, even in the winter
Bearer of perfect blue eyes
Best friends with his brother and his Daddy
Shy around strangers
Fixated on toads

But one thing he is not....

is boring.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

All a part of the plan...

It was so cute, this morning on the way to school Lucas says, "Daddy has a big test today and if he wins he gets Captain!" I said, “yes, you are right, but if he doesn't get it thats ok too". So he replies, "Why is that ok? We want him to get it". I told him, “yes, we want him to get it but if it isn't in God's plan for him to be a Captain right now, then it wont happen right now.” I told him how God has a plan for all of us and how God already knows when Daddy will be a captain. Lucas thinks about this. I continue, with how God already knows what he (Lucas) will be when he is a grown up, who he will marry, how many kids he will have, etc. Lucas says, "Man. he does? Why doesn't he just tell us? I think I'm going to have 15 kids."
After I explained to him about paying for kids and buying diapers and clothes and food, he said, "Ok. Maybe just 9 kids then."
I told him that I already felt sorry for whoever his wife was going to be and he said " Man, yea, me too. She will have all those babies in her tummy and her tummy will be WAY fatter than yours Mommy”

Oh, my Lucas, how you make me smile, laugh, and thank God that you are part of his plan for me!

Mom's Day 2010

This past weekend, my family gathered at my Aunt Gayle's house in Crockett for the annual Mother's Day fish fry. Almost all of my grandmas granchildren and great grandchildren were there, which was extra special for her. We planned to have my Aunt E take family pictures that day, but Lucas ended up with an upset tummy so we left early since he wasn't feeling well. We were able to get a lot of good snapshots, though. Take a gander:

the whole group

My Aunt "Duck" (grandpa's sister) with Kynnedi (my cousins daughter) and my Cason

Lucas with Skyler (cousin's daughter) in the wagon

One of my Granny's sisters, Gracie was there also, along with my grandpas sister, who is like another sister to Granny. It was good to see them and catch up. Everyone is so busy these days, we need to take more time to slow down and enjoy one anothers company!
Evidently blooger isn't uploading pics correctly now, so I will have more to come later from this special day!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Oh, you make me smile!

To Heath, Lucas, and Cason

You're better then the best
I'm lucky just to linger in your light
Cooler then the flip side of my pillow, that's right
Completely unaware
Nothing can compare to where you send me,
Lets me know that it's ok, yeah it's ok
And the moments where my good times start to fade

You make me smile like the sun
Fall out of bed, sing like bird
Dizzy in my head, spin like a record
Crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold, buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Ohh, you make me smile

Even when you're gone
Somehow you come along
Just like a flower poking the sidewalk crack and just like that
You steal away the rain and just like that

You make me smile like the sun
Fall out of bed, sing like bird
Dizzy in my head, spin like a record
Crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold, buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Ohh, you make me smile

Don't know how I lived without you
Cuz everytime that I get around you
I see the best of me inside your eyes
You make me smile
You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold, buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild

You make me smile like the sun
Fall out of bed, sing like bird
Dizzy in my head, spin like a record
Crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold, buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Ohh, you make me smile

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Name Game - SUYL

Over at, today is Show Us Your Life Friday. Today’s topic is baby names – where you got them, the history, etc. So here are our stories.

Lucas Everett

Heath’s younger brother Jonathan, who was suddenly killed in a car accident in early 2004, was a blonde headed blue eyed beauty. Growing up, Heath’s dad thought he looked like Paul Newman. And of course, in the movie Cool Hand Luke, Paul Newman’s character was Lucas Jackson. So, Dad started calling Jonathan, Luke. Heath decided early in the game that he would love to honor his brother’s memory by naming our first born after him. But, we didn’t want to necessarily name him Jonathan. So, Lucas it was. And, lo and behold, our Lucas came out blonde headed and blue eyed, just like Jonathan.
In September 2005, just a month before Lucas was due; we lost a dear friend to the war in Iraq. He was scheduled to come home in October. Christopher Lee Everett was a brave, honest, faithful young man when he was killed. He loved us both and was anxiously waiting to meet our baby. With his death and memory fresh on our minds, we knew that naming Lucas after him was the right choice.

Cason Heath

After we had decided on Lucas’ name, I saw a diaper bag with the name Cason on it and loved it. I have also always loved the name Case, which we sometimes call Cason. Of course, it is obvious where Heath came from. I think every Daddy should have a little boy that is named after him in some form or fashion. So, Cason’s not named after any deceased relative, but I do think it is very special to share your middle name with your Daddy. (Heath’s actual name is Billy Heath, but he only goes by Billy at work).

And, while we are at it, why not a little bit of history on mine and Heath’s name!

Billy Heath

Heath’s dad’s name is William, but has always been called Billy. Naturally, him and Heath’s mom wanted to name their first born after him, so out came little Billy. He is a little Billy in more ways than one. First, they look alike. Also, they are both very warm, caring men. They both love to pick on people and joke around as well. Heath’s mom loved the television show, Big Valley, but she loved the lead character, Heath, played by Lee Majors even more!! Guess you could call it a crush. Thus came, Billy Heath.

Monica Jeane

I’m not entirely sure of the origin of Monica, other than that it was a popular name in the early 80’s. I do know that my mothers sister, my Aunt Evelyn (E) came up with the idea. My dad’s dad’s name was Charles Eugene, affectionately referred to as Gene. My dad’s sister’s name is Jeanie. So there ya go!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Stretch Marks...

If this doesn't explain it all... I don't know what does!

If you were to Google "Stretch Marks" (and if you were, you're having a really slow day)
here are some things you will read:

"Stretch marks are sort of a badge of honor in being a woman...and a mother."
Really? Because I would much rather wear a literal badge on my Sunday clothes than to have these things.

"Everyone likes and wants a perfect body with no special marks..."
I would agree with this statement. I would also like to meet the woman who has none on her body. Then I would like for someone to hold her down for me.

"The exact cause for a stretch mark is due to the skin being pulled..."
And here we are folks. Here's the real reason for such a name. Being pulled.
I'm pulled to the left and I'm pulled to the right.
I need to do this. But I want to do this.
This is priority. This is not.
This is easy. This is hard.
And through all of it we are being pulled.
In my 20+ years of serving the Lord, if there's one thing I've been - it's pulled.
But with every tug, I've grown, and changed. Matured and learned. I've won. And lost.
I've laughed. And sobbed.
And I have every mark to prove it.
And I wear them all...with pride.

Dear Lucas...

Dear Lucas,

Today, you are 4 years, 6 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days old. Physically, not much changes about you on a month-to-month basis, other than new scrapes, bruises and various other "bo-bo's" that are all a part of being a boy.

I am happy to report that you are loving t-ball. I think baseball is definitely "your" sport. I think that you would play all day if we would let you. Just last night you and I went outside and played catch. I think you are already better than me. Which isn't say a whole lot... but really, you are doing so good!

You also adore school. You are learning so much about letters, numbers, and other things. One of your favorite times at school is Bible story time, with playground time being a close second favorite.

Recently, you have just gotten funnier and funnier. You have quite the personality, my boy. You enjoy laughing as well as making other people laugh.

Current favorite toys - baseballs (of course), Buzz Lightyear, hotwheels, the wii, your new
We love listening to music, of any type, on the way to and from school. You love 89.3 (christian) and country. Your favorite singers are Uncle Chad, and the Zach Brown Band. Some of your favorite songs are: Today, by Uncle Chad; Toes, Chicken Fried and Sick em on a chicken, Zach Brown Band; Big Green Tractor, Jason Aldean; Little Black Dress, Chris Young; Crying for me, Toby Keith. There are many more that you know all of the words to, but those listed are your favorites.

Some cute things that you say - Instead of saying than, (taller than, faster than) you replace it with of (taller of, faster of). CUTE. Most words that begin with L still come out sounding like a W (wittle, Wucas, wove you) but you are slowly getting out of it and catching yourself before you say it.

Since Cason was born you have grown and matured so much. You are an excellent big brother and Cason is so lucky to have you. I know that he will always look to you for guidance and example. To be honest, I was dreading you becoming a big brother because I knew it would cause you to grow up even more! I am not ready for either one of my little boys to grow up. Especially you because you were, are, and always will be my very first baby! You taught me so much, and still are teaching me everyday. Daddy and I would be lost without you Lucas.

I love you little Lucas bear!

Dear Cason...

Dear Cason,

Today, my love, you are 3 months, 1 week, and 1 day old. We have started daycare and you seem to be doing well with it. Your teachers love you and say that you are a very good baby! Initially we had an issue with you not eating enough during the day, because you are so laid back that you don't even fuss when you are hungry. But now we are on a schedule and you get fed at the same times everyday even if you don't act hungry.

You also had your first cold last week, or the "daycare snots" as I call it. You did good though. The main thing was just the congestion in your nose bothering you when it was time to eat.

I can't wait to take you to your 4 month checkup with Dr. Prier and see how much you have grown!

New this month:
You have started rolling over (and over and over and over again) and "scooting" all over the place when we put you on the floor. You constantly have those little legs going full speed.

That blasted tooth that has you drooling and gnawing on everything still hasn't shown up. But we know its in there somewhere and will be here soon!

Your personality and character increases everyday. You are very laid back but love to play. You are always in a good mood in the early mornings and love to laugh and talk to us. You get pretty grumpy at night when you are tired though... but don't we all?

You love to sit in your glider at home and in the swing at school.

You have recently begun to enjoy laying in your crib and playing.

You also started reaching for toys and sometimes grabbing them this past month. You are growing up entirely too quickly!!

I love you, my little man.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Some funny things that Lucas has said lately:

"oh yea, that's what I'm talkin' about right there" (after eating a rib hot off the pit)

after telling him that uncle nate and aunt kate were having a baby, "oh my goodness, another jackson cousin. don't tell me!"

"Mommy you should work with Papaw. Not where Papaw works, that would be to hard. But up front with the ladies. Then you wouldn't have to do anything all day!"

after saying, "adios and vaya con dios", "did i just talk spanish? i can't bewieve it!"

after i told him i was proud of him, "i know. im proud of myself."

Friday, April 30, 2010

Bigger than the Dark

We were on the way home from church one night, just Lucas and I, and Lucas says "Mommy I'm scared, because it's dark outside." Of course, I replied that he shouldn't be scared, we were perfectly safe inside of our car! Him, being so incredibly in touch with everything, says " That is right Mommy. WE are safe because God is bigger than the dark and He always make us safe." My eyes welled up with tears as I thanked God for this wonderfully precious little boy that He put in our lives. Lucas understands so much. If only us adults could have that kind of faith and reassurance in knowing that no matter WHAT we are facing...God is bigger, always in control and ALWAYS takes care of us. It's just that simple.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Puddles and Peanut Butter

A page from any given Mommy appointment book would likely appear to others as a multitude of unending tasks with too little time to do everything. There are activities for the children like preschool and soccer, and a few activities for herself. But my appointment book doesn’t include the other things I’m responsible for, like cleaning, cooking, shopping, bills and laundry. No wonder I feel frazzled!
My son’s day reads much differently. He spends his time playing, experiencing, exploring and testing. He doesn’t have any concept of time except when he’s bored or hungry. He doesn’t need to be constantly busy. He doesn’t have a list to check off. His perfect day is filled with his bike, the park, Spiderman, ravioli and not napping.
I often get impatient with my son because he just doesn’t seem to understand that we’re on a schedule. But, one day I stopped and watched my son play in a puddle. Maybe he wasn’t the problem. Maybe my schedule was.
His laugh was contagious as he tromped in a puddle; for that moment all he wanted to do was have fun. It didn’t matter to him if we were late or didn’t accomplish everything on our list. He just wanted to enjoy the moment.
Later that day he ate a few bites of his peanut butter sandwich, and proceeded to make balls out of it. Again, the look of accomplishment and his intense desire to make the perfect sandwich ball was enough to squelch the words, "Stop! You’re making a mess!"
Sometimes we need to let puddles and peanut butter get in the way of our orderly, scheduled lives. We need to let our kids be kids and not fall in line with our plans. We should schedule in more time or realize that messes and delays happen.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Occasionally I make a mental list of wonderful things I’ve experienced recently. It sounds crazy, I know, but it has made me so grateful and aware of my beautiful life. There is nothing particularly special about me… and yet everyday my blessings and joy grows.I think they were there all along, I was just was too busy worrying about what I thought I needed to notice how much I already had.
P.S. If you think that good things don’t happen to you… consider redefining what “joy” means. Rediscovering your favorite sandals that were shoved under your bed or finding strawberries buy 1 get 1 at the grocery store, or jumping on a trampoline with your 4 year old, or laying in the floor for over an hour smiling nad laughing with your baby, or going to dinner along with your hubby and feeling like a teenager, are the very sort of everyday occurrences that should be counted.

Laying in a cold room, under warm cozy covers with my hubby, watching House

My early morning chat with my father in law on the way to work

Lucas’ sweet early morning hugs and “good morning mommy”

Pink grapefruit lipgloss

Weekends with my bestie


Fresh picked Texas wildflowers

Shoulder rubs from the hubs

Bubble baths

Chad Jackson in my speakers

Road trips

BBQ Cookoffs

Cason's sweet, sweet smile and adorable laugh

In depth conversations with Lucas about the things that matter to him

watching my two boys interact with each other

Tball practice - enough said

Captain forearms. Nuff said

Church with my family

Friday, April 23, 2010

when you are a mother...

Chances are if you ARE a mother, you are internally agreeing with the sentiment of my title. If you aren’t, you are undoubtedly rolling your eyes and thinking to yourself, “Seriously? Did she really have to go there? So cliché. So condescending. “ I know. I was you not too long ago, thinking the same thing every time anyone uttered those words in my presence. I mean, what on earth about being a mother automatically makes you so insightful? What is it about the task of motherhood, the diaper changes, the swaddling, the stench of crusted baby puke on your shoulder that no longer phases you (sometimes not even enough to wash the shirt before wearing it again) that makes YOU think you know and understand something the rest of the population does not? I vowed to never utter those words when I became a mother. Well, you know what? Consider that vow broken.
When you are a mother, you will understand…
That those annoying shoes toddlers wear that squeak when they walk actually serve a purpose. They are like the poor mom’s LoJack.
That, try as you might, chances are your child will end up falling in love with one of the many obnoxious versions of Elmo. Turns out, he’s popular and practically has his very own aisle in every toy department for a reason.
That sometimes the only way to clean a pacifier your child just dropped in the parking lot and is screaming for is to put it on your own mouth and suck on it for a few seconds.
That your baby’s poop is just not THAT gross to you, and you actually don’t freak out and run to the nearest bottle of sanitizer and bleach when you get a little on you. In fact, sometimes you don’t notice it at all, which makes it a little awkward when you find a spot of it on your sleeve at the grocery store two hours later. (This, however, does not make other baby’s poop less gross to you. Poop from children other than your own is still disgusting.)
How you can laugh at someone peeing in your face.
How you can focus so hard on the tiny up and down movements of your baby’s chest while he’s sleeping, and then, when you are convinced he’s not breathing, scream his name while jerking him up from his bed and rushing to the bathroom to splash water on his face. When he wakes, you are pretty sure he has perfected the “go to hell” look at a very early age.
Why, for a few months at least, when you go out to dinner with the little one in tow (if you are even brave enough to do so) you are limited to the portion of the menu that includes a side of mashed potatoes.
How people become “those parents” you despised as a waitress in college when you take a baby starting finger foods to a restaurant. Sometimes, getting him out of the restaurant before the bedtime meltdown ensues takes precedence over cleaning up the hundreds of Puffs left below his highchair.
How easy it is to dread shopping for clothes for yourself when shopping for baby clothes is so much more fun. They are cheaper, cuter, and you don’t have to worry about finding the right style to hide that troublesome midsection.
How, no matter how little sleep you had the night before or how many times you had to make the trek to the nursery to replace a pacifier, tighten the swaddle, feed the baby or change a diaper, it is impossible to not be a morning person when your baby greets you every day with a smile that makes your heart melt.
Yes, it’s true you understand a lot more when you become a mom (or, in general, a parent). You understand why all those mothers you used to think were crazy did the things they did (most of the time, sometimes there really are just crazy people out there). You will do things that at the end of the day you can only laugh at, sigh to yourself, and acknowledge out loud, “I am SO that mom”

Thursday, April 22, 2010

on my mind

1. Don't be a butt.

2. Appreciate people. Unless they're butts.

3. Love God

4. Be honest

5. Be kind

6. Respect peoples wishes

7. Allow endings

8. Fail openly

9. Have an amazing haircut

10. Enjoy the moment

11. Pay Attention

12. Love Unconditionally.

13. Dream.

forgiven again...


Do you ever wish you could go back in time? Where would you go? What would you do?

Some would go back and attempt to change history. You know, make sure Adolph Hitler never gets to purchase that 'how to be an evil dictator kit.' Or the folks that doubted that Mt. Vesuvius was going to blow would make it out of Pompeii in time to avoid the lava bath.

Others would go back in time to make easy money. Simple plan, just head back to the 1970's and put some serious bank in the little known company called Microsoft, and you're pretty much set for life. Or you could really impress your friends by knowing every Super Bowl and World Series champion year after year after year.

But then there are the people like me who would go back for a very different reason...which would be this:

We look back in time and see all the forks in the road of life where we took the wrong turn, and permanent damage was done. All the unkind things we said, all the bad choices that we now regret, all the amazing opportunities that were given, but wasted.
That's kinda the premise of the film 17 Again starring 'I'm not just the High School Musical star' Zac Efron (Vanessa Hudgens not included). Zac plays a character that regrets missed opportunities from High School and is transformed into a 17 year old and given a second chance to be a basketball rock star. Of course, this is just a movie, right? But in real life, we can't go back and change our mistakes. Maybe that's what makes this film intriguing to so many...because it's captivating to think that there is a way we could unload guilt and regret from the past.

I have some great news for you. There actually is a way to change your past. It doesn't involve a time machine or an age transformation; it is actually much more radical change. What I'm talking about is a deeply personal experience that is a complete renovation of your soul and perspective on your past.
Are you in? If so, read through the promises listed below that come from God Himself:

But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness (1 John 1:9).
For his unfailing love toward those who fear Him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth. He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:11-12).
Once again you will have compassion on us. You will trample our sins under your feet and throw them into the depths of the ocean! (Micah 7:19).
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! (2 Corinthians 5:17).
These passages from the Bible are more than just words. They are pledges from the God of the universe who does not lie and who does not change. When you trust Jesus as your only hope of salvation, your past is dissolved like a drop of ink in a sea of pure water.
And now, here's the best part. Not only is your past forgiven, but even the things that haunt you in quiet moments can be used by God for your ultimate good:
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them (Romans 8:28).
Isn't this amazing? The stupid things we've done, the hurts we've caused, even the opportunities we missed are dark colors that God takes and transforms into a beautiful and bright picture when we leave it in His hands.
Bottom line: we can't go back and physically change the things that have happened, and we can't be transformed into a kid...but...we can gather all the sadness and remorse from our past and give it to the God who truly makes all things new.
So are you ready to be forgiven...again?

You ate a what?

A few things that have come out of my mouth in the past few weeks:

Lucas, you can't let Cason suck on your finger. You're finger is dirty.

No, you can't pull the snail out if it's shell. It will hurt it. No, we can't take him to the doctor.

No, Lucas, you are not taller than me. Yes, one day you will be, but today, you are not.

NO, you're foot is not a "private" part.

Yes, Cason will always be younger than you. But that doesn't mean that you will always be bigger than him. Because that's just the way it is.

You ate a what?

How in the world did you get cheese in your ear?

Your friends at school got in trouble for saying what?

I don't know why Cason's boogers are so big or why his poop is yellow.

I'll pray that your friends don't get their color changed tomorrow at school too.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I love it when....

Lucas tells me I’m his best Mommy ever (even though I’m his ONLY mommy… hehe)

I catch Heath staring at me!

I walk in the room and as soon as Cason sees me or hears my voice, he breaks out in the biggest smile and his eyes light up!

Lucas picks me flowers.

People tell me how cute/smart/good/loving/funny my little boy is!

It is sunshining and raining at the same time.

We go fishing!

My hubby tells me what a beautiful mother I have become.

We lie in the bed snuggled up with our boys on Saturday mornings.

Lucas plays t-ball!

Cason laughs and smiles at us.

I watch my two precious boys interact with each other!

I realize (pretty much daily) how much God has blessed my little family.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dear Cason...

Dear Cason,

Today, My little blue-eyed butterball, you are 2 months, 1 week and 3 days old!

You weigh approximately 14 lbs and are a little over 24 inches long. You are a very healthy baby boy.

You love to eat. Especially at night when you get to nurse. You like your bottle of mommy milk too, but would much prefer to be snuggled up close to your mommy!

You wear some size 0-3 month clothes but they are pretty snug so we are dressing you mostly in 3-6 month sizes.

You love to kick the socks off of your feet, and you also don’t like to have your feet messed with.

You don’t have any teeth yet but I can ALMOST see one underneath your gums.

You love your big brother and your Daddy! Another Daddy’s boy in the making.

I love to see your sweet little smile, especially when you are nursing and look up with me and flash that grin.

You sleep well for the most part, usually only waking up around 3:30 in the morning for a pre-breakfast snack. You are usually awake for the day by 6:30, with a few naps throughout the day.

Unlike your big brother, you love your pacifier.

You love to get in your stroller and “take a stroll”. Anything outside suits you. If you are upset or crying, the minute we walk outside you become calm and cool. You love looking up at the trees. You also enjoy laying in front of the big window in your room.

We already love you so much and can’t really imagine our lives without you. Your little personality is beginning to show and you fit in our little family
just perfectly!

The Vault

The vault is a big, dark place. It stays locked. It has been locked for many a year. And, quite honestly, I don’t think it will ever be unlocked.

The vault, you see, is the many secrets that are floating about in my family, the secrets that are not talked about.

The vault only has one manager who holds the single key. And she will not budge. Seventy-seven years of secrets and stories lie within the vault, in her mind. Stories of abusive husbands. Drunken wives. Adolescent sex. Broken marriages, love affairs, and bastard children. These things, and so many more, are all within said vault. And my crazy family is at the root of all of them. This single, solitary person who holds all the background and history is my grandma. I’m going to write a book about my ridiculously insane family and the crazy women that run it. More to follow…

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


It is official. I love the Pioneer Woman! I love her “confessions”, I love her photography, I love her cooking and recipes, I love that she homeschools. I love her dogs, her horses, her house, her ranch, and her kids. And, if a grown, married woman can have a crush… I have one on her husband, affectionately referred to as “the Marlboro Man”. And like Pdub, I love his Wranglers.

But, in all reality and actuality, as I think about it, the qualities that I love about him are the same qualities that I love about Heath. He’s strong. He’s hard headed. He’s honest – even when it hurts. He’s loving and playful and smart as a whip. He’s a wonderful Daddy. He's rugged and even dirty and sweaty, he's sexy as all get out. He's sweet, thoughtful and silly. And those arms… oh, those arms… my Captain Forearms. And, He makes my hiney tingle, still.

If you haven’t noticed I’m not even describing MM anymore… I am describing my man! He may not be perfect, but he sure is a perfect match for me and a perfect Daddy to our two boys. And I love him for that.

Marching into Spring...

Can’t believe April is already upon us and in full swing. The month of March was full of lots of fun stuff: t-ball, Heath’s birthday, new recipes, old friends, Cason’s 2-month check-up, family, exciting new Arbonne events, Easter celebrations and egg hunts at Lucas’ school, many afternoons fishing, riding four-wheelers, and many beautiful days together.

One bittersweet milestone – my return to work from 7 glorious weeks of maternity leave. Can’t avoid the inevitable, I guess! It’s nice to be back in the swing of things at work but I sure do miss being home with my babies. One of those ordeals that most mothers face is the decision whether to return to work or not. I was fortunate to be able to stay home with Lucas until he was a year old. I would not trade that time for anything in the world. With the economy the way it is not, it’s not a very reasonable idea to stay home this time around. Soon, though, very soon, I will be making enough money through my second job, Arbonne, to do just that. I am running purely on faith! I know that God intended for me to be home and take care of my babies. It will all happen in HIS time and I keep reminding myself of that.

Cason’s two month appointment went well. He is a healthy little boy! He is in the 98th percentile for height, and the 95th for weight. IN other words, he is the size of an average 4-month old. Guess mommy’s milk is doing him good. He is beginning to really like to “talk” to us – “goo-ing” and “ahh-ing”. His most vocal times are usually when Lucas is playing with him! I can’t wait to see them interact more and more as time goes on. Cason has the sweetest little smile. It could be referred to as a “toothy” grin, but he has no teeth!

Lucas’ world lately is full of t-ball, riding his new four wheeler, playing “army” with the neighborhood boys, and just being a little boy. He is growing up so fast. He is so much like Heath in personality it’s unbelievable. I love watching the two of them together! Like a little mini-me.

Looking forward to the rest of the month of April: Heath and I enjoyed a “date” already once this month. We went out to eat, ALONE! Then, we spent some time at the Walker Co. Fair cookoff this past Friday night with friends. We have close friends that will be having their baby boy (Due 4/28), Conner. Can’t wait to meet him. Conner’s dad, Adam, Heath and Jonathan were good friends growing up and we have a feeling that Lucas, Cason and Conner will be the same way! Look out world for the Jackson and Graham boys, 2nd generation! We also have several more t-ball games this month, as well as Heath’s mom’s 60th birthday.




When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus' body. Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other, "Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?"
But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away. As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed.
"Don't be alarmed," he said. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.' "

MARK 16:1-8

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Neglected blog!

It is very apparent that I have once again totally neglected the blogging world!! We are busy x 4 around here these days. Cason (FINALLY) arrived on January 28th. He was a whopping 8 lbs, 15 oz and 21 inches long. That little boy has consumed our hearts already, of course.

Today we will be taking Cason to see good ole’ Dr. Prier for his two-month checkup. I can’t wait to see how much he weighs. He is SO sweet. He loves to smile and “goo” at us. Being a Jackson boy, of course he loves to be outside. We have already enjoyed many a walk around the neighborhood and he is perfectly content strolling around. The days have been so pretty that it’s hard not to go outside! Good thing he loves it too – most of our time during the Spring and Summer is spent outside in our family!

Lucas is such an attentive and loving big brother. I know that the two of them are going to be great buddies before too much longer. He loves to lay around and play with Cason and get him to “talk” to him. He is our number one helper around the house! While I am sure that they will always be best buds, I also know that we will have our fair share of arguments and stand-downs too – they are both hard headed, another quality that comes with the territory of being a Jackson.

T-ball season is in full swing and couldn’t be funner! Heath is the assistant coach for our team, The A’s. He and Lucas are both having a ball. It is obvious that Lucas is a natural athlete like Heath! Watching all of the little boys and girls practice has provided quality entertainment for me in the evenings and on weekends.

Spring is my favorite time of year – everything is new again! Heath will begin planting our garden soon, and then it will be time to clean out the flower beds and start fresh as well. Easter is fast approaching (this weekend!! Where did the time go?!). I love Easter and what it represents, our Savior has RISEN!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Baby Update

Well, Cason is definitely following in his big brothers footsteps. We have made no progress, and I have not begun to dilate at all. (Due date is Sunday) My doctor decided yesterday that if I do not go into labor on my own between now and next Wednesday, we will go to the hospital late Wednesday evening and begin induction of labor. He said we will have a baby by Thursday morning if that is the case. (Which is OK with me, Thursday will be my Granny's 77th birthday!)

SO, we are (still) patiently waiting. I think it will be really neat if Cason is born on his great-grandmas birthday!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Busy Bees

I know, it's been nearly a month since my last post. I know, I told myself I was going to get MUCH better at posting and keeping up. I know, I know.

Life has been crazy the past few weeks, with Christmas celebrations, school programs, parties and family get togethers. I think we are finally on cruise control though and patiently awaiting the arrival of our new family member. Our due date is ten days from today and anticipation is building in all of us. I can't believe that time has flown so quickly. Seems like just a month or so ago, we were laughing and crying because I was already pregnant, telling Lucas he was going to be a big brother and preparing ourselves mentally for a newborn!! Now we are mentally, emotionally and physically prepared. We're just waiting on you Cason!

Things at Lucas' school were pretty hectic there for a while, with the holiday parties and programs going on, but things seem to be back to normal, for now. He is such a little sponge - absorbing everything around him. I'm constantly surprised at what he remembers, repeats, and recites. He loves to sing, and any form of musical instrument is sure to hold his attention. He got a harmonica for Christmas, and can actually "toot" a little tune on it. He is always talking about playing the guitar, or the drums, or something!!

Just around the corner, after Cason arrives, things are definitely going to find their way back to being hectic. Despite having a new baby, Lucas begins t-ball early spring! We are all very excited about that. Him and Daddy will have their hands full, but thats generally how they like it anyway. (Especially since deer season is coming to an end.)

Things are crazy for Heath and I both at work right now and we are both looking forward to having some time off in the near future. It will be a nice break.

I think that about sums up what has been happening with this set of Jacksons over the last few weeks - preparing, waiting, slowing down, living, and loving!

God bless!