Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dear Cason...

Dear Cason,

Today, my love, you are 3 months, 1 week, and 1 day old. We have started daycare and you seem to be doing well with it. Your teachers love you and say that you are a very good baby! Initially we had an issue with you not eating enough during the day, because you are so laid back that you don't even fuss when you are hungry. But now we are on a schedule and you get fed at the same times everyday even if you don't act hungry.

You also had your first cold last week, or the "daycare snots" as I call it. You did good though. The main thing was just the congestion in your nose bothering you when it was time to eat.

I can't wait to take you to your 4 month checkup with Dr. Prier and see how much you have grown!

New this month:
You have started rolling over (and over and over and over again) and "scooting" all over the place when we put you on the floor. You constantly have those little legs going full speed.

That blasted tooth that has you drooling and gnawing on everything still hasn't shown up. But we know its in there somewhere and will be here soon!

Your personality and character increases everyday. You are very laid back but love to play. You are always in a good mood in the early mornings and love to laugh and talk to us. You get pretty grumpy at night when you are tired though... but don't we all?

You love to sit in your glider at home and in the swing at school.

You have recently begun to enjoy laying in your crib and playing.

You also started reaching for toys and sometimes grabbing them this past month. You are growing up entirely too quickly!!

I love you, my little man.


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