Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dear Cason...

Dear Cason,

Today, My little blue-eyed butterball, you are 2 months, 1 week and 3 days old!

You weigh approximately 14 lbs and are a little over 24 inches long. You are a very healthy baby boy.

You love to eat. Especially at night when you get to nurse. You like your bottle of mommy milk too, but would much prefer to be snuggled up close to your mommy!

You wear some size 0-3 month clothes but they are pretty snug so we are dressing you mostly in 3-6 month sizes.

You love to kick the socks off of your feet, and you also don’t like to have your feet messed with.

You don’t have any teeth yet but I can ALMOST see one underneath your gums.

You love your big brother and your Daddy! Another Daddy’s boy in the making.

I love to see your sweet little smile, especially when you are nursing and look up with me and flash that grin.

You sleep well for the most part, usually only waking up around 3:30 in the morning for a pre-breakfast snack. You are usually awake for the day by 6:30, with a few naps throughout the day.

Unlike your big brother, you love your pacifier.

You love to get in your stroller and “take a stroll”. Anything outside suits you. If you are upset or crying, the minute we walk outside you become calm and cool. You love looking up at the trees. You also enjoy laying in front of the big window in your room.

We already love you so much and can’t really imagine our lives without you. Your little personality is beginning to show and you fit in our little family
just perfectly!


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