Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lent... and a few other things

First, I must say... Sorry for the lack of posts, and pictures.  There is a lot going on in life right now and I haven't been the most attentive to the "extras" in life, like my blog.  My blog, scrapbooks, reading list, and toenail polish tend to take a back burner to the more pressing and important things.  Hopefully soon, I can play catch-up and share some pictures with ya'll.  With that being said...speaking of having extra time...

I was rasied Southern Baptist.  We don't really do Lent.

Honestly, I only loosely get the idea of what lent is even all about. (So all of you reading this who are catholic or methodist - I'm warning you - I'm probably not getting it right).

I've never done Lent but I've been thinking about it for the last couple of weeks and I like the idea of it.  I don't feel like I need to give up a luxury as penitence. Jesus already paid the price for my sins and His grace has covered me.  BUT I thought it would neat to maybe give up something that would enable me to put more focus on God for the 40 days leading up to Easter.

I could give up Coke or sweets or coffee (seriously?) but honestly - I don't see how that would bring me any closer to Jesus.  It would just make me grumpy and it might make my husband MEET Jesus a lot sooner than he is supposed to. (just kiddin'). 

So I started thinking about it and decided I would give up something that I LOVE a LOT.

I'm giving up my personal Facebook for Lent.  And y'all - that hurts. I LURVE me some facebook.  I get all my local news from facebook.  I get to see pictures of new babies, and weddings and hear all about what everyone is eating for dinner and who pissed them off at work today.  I also get to hear alllllll about how wonderful so and so's husband is, even though I know he's a real jerk in "real" life.  And don't forget... Little Timmy went poo-poo in the potty, baby Kay-Kay is sick AGAIN, and that girl I couldn't stand in highschools cousins boyfriends sisters baby daddy went to jail!! ha...   But really,  facebook zaps so much of my time. So instead of constantly checking it......I'm going to check in with Jesus. I'm going to do a LOT more praying in that time. I'm also going to just be more present with my family. Not with my stupid phone in my hand.

 I do get a lot of my Scentsy business from my personal facebook which means I am going to have to actually pick up the phone and call my customers and downline... EEK!! HOWEVER, given certain circumstances, I will log in to my SCentsy facebook page to communicate with my upline and participate in the training program I am enrolled in.  This doesn't allow me to scroll through my news feed and look at pictures/status updates, etc.  I have decided I will allow myself to sign in to the Scentsy page once per day, probably on my lunch hour so it doesn't take away from my family time in the evenings.

I also love that in Lent some choose to add something - to do something good each day of Lent so I've decided I'm going to do that also. I know it starts today but I'm still mulling over what that will look like. I'm thinking I might send an encouraging card or note to 40 people during this time.
If you are my facebook friend - I'll see you after Easter! And I will miss you!!! I really will - I love having y'all to talk to all the time! And, while I am at it- as soon as Lent is over, I'll be doing a major spring cleaning and eliminating some of that hullaballo as mentioned above (the girl I couldn't stand, the baby daddy stuff, etc.)
Before I go though, I have to share what someone posted on FACEBOOK last night - "Why is it called Fat Tuesday? I'll still be Fat tomorrow and it's Wednesday!"

What are you doing for Lent?


The Mrs. said...

HA! Fat tuesday.. thats a good post!

You'll probably LOVE being off facebook. I felt a little anxious about deactivating mine a while back, but I felt so FREE after being off there for a while! It's rediculous how attached we are all to that thing. I felt very peaceful and less annoyed at people after being off of there. Good luck to you!

Oh, and I feel the same way about fasting as you do about church last week they did the entire sermon on fasting and it did not connect with us at all. Withholding food will not make ME personally feel more connected to God, it will just make me grouchy and irritable. Plus, I only get 1200 calories a day, there is NO WAY I can cut back anymore, most certainly not to zero!! I would much rather fast from a distraction that I love than a life neccessity! :)

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