Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A couple of cute cousins

The same weekend we were in the area for Luke's state tournament, we went to see Stacy and Dede(Heath's cousin and his wife) and thier boys at their NEW house.  They moved up that direction at the beginning of the summer.  Their house is beautiful and we are so proud for them.  We had a great time swimming, eating, and talking.  The boys (ours and theirs) were elated to spend some time together!  Papaw, Nana and Aunt Peg came over for dinner one night and Nate, Kate and Milo came to visit also.  We had dinner out at  BJ's (highly recommended despite the loonnnggg ridiculous wait).  BJ's brews their own soda- including cream soda, favorite, amongst other homemade "brews".  We had a great weekend with family and can't wait to go back for their house warming party next weekend.

Braden and Lucas happy to play together

Cason and Nana 

Cason and Cody love each other.  Cody thinks Cason is so funny. 

Our boys together - Lucas, Braden, Cason, Cody and Milo

Cason and Milo are quite a pair and I can forsee much troublemaking from these two cute little fellas.

Kate got some super cute pictures also when we were waiting to eat.  Click on her name to link to her blog and see the pics.  Cason and Milo look like two old men on the courthouse lawn; all they need is a straw hat and a cup of coffee to complete the look!
Of course we tried a whole-hearted attempt at a good group shot.  Not sure about some of those faces, and definitely not sure why I am posted up like a cover girl!

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Kate Jackson said...

Ahhhh! Love your pose! Lol. I'm usually the one looking like a cheerleader or something. You're much cuter at it. :)

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