Friday, May 18, 2012

There's this guy...

I love this man.
I talk about my kids and my mom and my hobbies on here all the time, but I really love, admire, and respect this guy.

He knows my heart so well.
I anxiously await the few hours I get with him each evening and my heart sinks when 8:30 p rolls around and he has to leave for work...

When I was little I dreamed of my husband or having one.
I thought a husband was someone who kissed you when you got home from work
or held your hand in the car

I never knew your husband was someone you leaned on, prayed with and talked to ... about everything.

Many times we have been able to sit and talk just the two of us. I’ve told him about my dreams, how much my heart has changed the past few years and he has listened and encouraged each little piece I shared. For some reason I found myself thinking about those special times this afternoon.

He is the biggest gift of a person I have received in my whole life. With him I have traveled, explored, and done things I did not think I could do. With him I have been given the two most precious gifts God could give.

He works more hours than most at a pretty thankless job, Yet he still comes home with a smile on his face ready to play and spend time with us.  In fact, the day this picture was taken was the end to a rough weekend, as if you couldn't tell by his look!  He worked Thursday night.  Slept from 7a-1p on Friday, worked Friday night.  He NEVER went to bed Saturday morning when he got off because he was needed at the baseball fields and went straight there as soon as he got home and changed clothes.  He got home from the fields around 11:30a and slept until 1:30p.  We had all-star practice from 2:00p-4:00p, took his mom to dinner for mothers day, and also had to make a trip to Conroe.  On the way home, our friend Jeremy called and requested his help moving.  So what did Heath do?  Go home and go to bed?  Of course not-- he went to Lovelady, where he stayed until they were done around midnight.   We went to church on Sunday, then to my grandmas for lunch which is where this picture was taken.  He was pretty worn out at that point.   AFter we left my grandma's house, we went back to Lovelady to help Jeremy finish moving and didn't make it home till after 11. He constantly devotes almost all of his spare time to others- the baseball team, his friends (who sometimes take him for granted), his family. And, he NEVER rarely complains. His heart is truly the heart of a giver. He always puts out more than he takes back and surrenders his wants and needs so that others can benefit. He has made so many sacrifices for the boys, and me.

I have learned so much about the character of a person from him and aspire to have the charisma he possesses someday.

I don't tell him I love and respect him enough.
So here it is Honey, I love you.


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