Thursday, July 14, 2011

a little of this and a little of that...(and some iPhone pics)

Wow, I certainly didn't realize it had been so long since I last blogged! You people need an update.  We are in recovery mode from our week long Seaside, Florida vacation.  More on that in my next post and plenty of pictures too!  The break from everything was very much needed and appreciated.  Since returning, we hit the ground running full force with a weekend-long tournament and then dove back into work and the "normal" routine.  I haven't had the opportunity to upload pictures, or share any vacation stories yet, but rest assured... they are coming! 

 Lucas' team is still going strong.  They have been getting an enormous amount of coverage from our local paper.

They play this coming Saturday to fight for the title of Regional Champions and advance to the state tournament.  We are really rooting for our boys (and gal) to go all the way.  It is such an exciting and fun time watching these kids want something and go after it like they have. Lucas has such a competitive edge.. but so do Heath and I.  I love watching Lucas get so intense about baseball.  It is so neat to see your child be so passionate about something he loves! Now, if only he would get as excited about cleaning his room!

Cason is the classic little brother.  He is such a trooper. He loves the ball park and probably wondered why we didn't go for a week when we were in Florida! Sometimes, though, especially on days like Saturday when we played THREE games pretty much back to back.... he has just had enough baseball. 

He has started chattering so much.  He has always called Lucas, "bubba", but just this week he has started saying , "Dudas" or "Dute-dey" (Lukey).  Too adorable! He loves to say, "CHEEEEEESE" when the camera turns his way, and sometimes says, "MILE!" (smile).  He is definitely quickly becoming less of a baby and more of a little boy with each passing day. This makes me sad and happy all at the same time.  I can't wait to watch his personality develop into little boyhood, but I am already missing those quiet, cuddly times when I would rock him to sleep!

Well, break time is about over, so back to work I go.  I have over 300 pictures taken while we were beach bumming, so I am slowly weeding through them and creating a post. I want to post every single picture, but of course that just isn't possible. 


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