Monday, February 14, 2011

Cason is ONE

As I am sure most mothers can agree, I can't believe our baby boy is ONE. This past year has literally just flown by. He is so funny. He and Lucas are a lot a like, but in the same breath, they are so different. Cason is quite the little junkyard dog. I am convinced that daycare has contributed partially to this, and his Daddy is the other culprit! ;) He is so headstrong. He will NOT backdown. I can't wait to see him grow and change and become a little man.

For his birthday, we celebrated at Moo-Moo's (my aunt) house. She lives in a central location for most of our family and friends, has a huge yard to play in, and a nice sized game room that made a great spot for his party. We didn't really do a specific theme. There were blue and green cupcakes (baked by Nana, decorated by Mommy), with super cute homemade cupcake wrappers and toppers. I am so proud of how they turned out. I also made this banner, and the really cute baby food jar party favors!! We had fun visiting with family and opening presents. Before we know it, our little guy will be talking and giving his big brother a real run for his money!

Check out the pics:
 Granny, Travis, Me, and Cason hiding

 My best friend, Ashley "Eppie"
Another "best friend forever"
My "little" brother Travis and I
Lucas playing pool with the big boys
Jackson cousins... Just need baby Milo and the gang would be complete
The AFTERmath of Cason
Braden, Lucas and Cody

These are cool sunglasses
My handsomn guy

I taught him well!!
 "Moo-Moo" and Kennedy
 Me, Cason, and Ashley

 Lucas' cupcake that he marked with an army man!
 Destroying his personal cake
 Cason and his loot!
 Cousins Lucas and Braden wrestling
 Just plain ME
 Me and my littlest man
 Lucas got busted playing tea party!!
 Cason and Papaw
 Brothers are we.
 Cason loves trucks~!

 Banner that I made...
 The cake and cupcakes...
Cason's cake - made by me!


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