Monday, December 5, 2011

(another) wedding weekend

Yep, you read it correctly. We participated in another wedding this weekend! This go-round, I was a bridesmaid, Lucas was ring-bearer, and Dad performed the ceremony. The bride, Carey, was stunning. Jeff was in complete awe of her the entire night. It was perfect. I didn't take many pictures since I was occupied most of the time with my bridesmaidly duties, but I did get a few. The Christmas decor was just right, too. The trees and lights made for a very pretty wedding. I can't wait to see the photographers pictures - we took some really fun shots!!

Before the ceremony, while the girls got ready, Carey wrote a letter to Jeff that Dad read after they said their vows.

 The adorable flower girl, Sarah- Carey's neice, waiting patiently to get dressed:
 A long time friend of ours from high school, Jaimee, did our hair. She did SUCH a good job. I wish I could keep her hidden in my closet to do my hair daily!!
Obviously, I didn't keep my monstrous camera slung across my shoulder for the duration of the ceremony, so all I have is before, and after. of course, last minute stuff before the ceremony like checking her phone, fixing (pulling, poking, taping and even sewing) her dress, last minute hair touch ups, and a few pictures were necessary before making the grand entrance.

I have literally watched this girl go from being just a girl to being an amazing young lady. She and I worked together when she was still in highschool, only 17! I was her supervisor, and even after we both moved on from those jobs, we've remained friends. We really understand each other on so many levels and I am so glad to call her my friend. We've been by each others sides through her mishaps with friends, boyfriends, and college classes.  I remember the night she met Jeff, a little over three years ago. I wasn't with her but she called me as soon as she left and had to report that she'd just met her future husband. That night she claimed that she'd one day be Carey Gambill. Its nice to know that sometimes dreams do come true!

this little cutie was the only "boy" allowed in our room!! ain't he a doll? he is jeff's nephew, jace. (son of justin, jeff's brother and one of the groomsmen) Beside him is justin's girlfriend, jaimee (hairstylist) sister, and fellow Loveladian, Kristie. (everyone in lovelady is connected in some way)  She helped with makeup, and did a great job also!

I thought my three guys looked particularly handsome, but they always do in my opinion! Cason liked wearing this black hat that used to be Lucas', but he insisted on pulling it way down over his ears most of the time.
 See, in this one he was mad at me for taking the hat from him. Before I took it, he had it pulled down over his eyes and ears. (He is saying, "MY HAT MOMMY, OK?")
 My hunny and me:
 Lucas was people watching and Cason was cutting a rug on the dance floor. He enjoyed every minute of it!!

Sunday was rainy, cold and perfect December weather if you ask me. The boys and I got a lot done while Heath rested (had to work Saturday night and Sunday night. And tonight for that matter). We grocery shopped, which was much needed. Our cupboards were quite literally bare.We also managed to get the beginning of our Christmas decor from the attic and put some of it out. We are saving the tree for this weekend when Heath is off.

 Lucas loves these snowmen, because he says it looks like the four of us!!
Our handmade stockings:

I also managed to complete a few projects yesterday. I saw something similar to this in the store but ya'll know I am cheap and if I can make it vs. buying it... I am all for it!  Lucas helped me with the painting. Once I hang it, I can take *some* of the kids artwork off of the refrigerator and pantry door. I know Heath will be happy about that!

 While I had my crafting shoes on, I whipped out this homemade mouse pad to take to work (scrapbook paper, heat-n-bond, and a cork board cut in a cute shape... good to go!)

After craft hour, we made cupcakes. Cason's favorite part of the day!! YAYYYY for cupcakes!

You can't tell because of all of the CHOCOLATE, but earlier in the day the boys were coloring with markers and I , um, drew mustaches on their faces. ha!! I'm just a kid at heart. (side note- the chocolate cupcakes are REALLY good if after about five minutes in the oven you drop a Hershey's kiss in the middle).

Lucas was very tired all day. Weddings are hard work!

 Overall, it was a great weekend spent with family and friends.  I got a lot done that I needed to cross of my "list", but there is one large task that didn't get much attention... LAUNDRY. Guess what I will be doing this evening?? How's the saying go? Laundry today or naked tomorrow!! Happy Monday yall!

 (yes, I really did just put my dirty laundry on my blog!)


Kate Jackson said...

Monica, you are GORGEOUS!

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