Monday, November 21, 2011

Another one (or two) bites the dust!

somewhere deep in my brain, i have a mental list of projects that i must complete - it is necessary to my existence. Thanks to pinterest (it's the devil!!), this list is increasingly growing. I was, thankfully, able to cross a couple of said projects off the list this weekend and secure my sanity for at least another week.

One of the projects is a Christmas gift for two very special grandparents, so I am at this time unable to share. I will give a few sneak peeks, though! (Dad... you just thought you were about to see your Christmas present, didnt you?) The boys stripped down to their undies, and loaded up their paint brushes. 

This is what happens when you sprawl out on the kitchen floor with paints and your almost two year old son decides that said painting project would be a good thing to STAND on.

 Notice the blue mustache sitting atop Cason's lip. Don't know how that happened, honest!  He also decided that blue hair gel is the in thing.
the second and third projects of the weekend are no longer a secret. I made my soon-to-be-bride-friend Carey a Christmas ornament out of her wedding invitation.  I also crafted some "redneck wine glasses" that she "pinned" on Pinterest a while back.
Her shower was Sunday. I have a few pictures, but my break is over so back to work I go!


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