Monday, November 21, 2011

How Poetic...

Though I have been slightly touched by an occasional poem, I have generally determined that poetry isn’t my thing. When I read most poetry, I envision the person writing it and either roll my eyes or burst into laughter. (Nice attitude, huh?)

My beloved friend, emailed me a Sylvia Plath piece not long ago. I rolled my eyes and laughed; that was the last straw. So I decided to give it a go myself. How hard could it be?

Here is an attempt at an art form I still just don’t understand but am finding endless enjoyment in attempting: (Disclaimer: Please don’t be alarmed. It’s [only partly] tongue-in-cheek.)

Mommy? Mommy? Mommy?
Their war cries pound my brain.
Mommy? Mommy? Mommy?
I slowly go insane.
Will you? Can I? Why not?
So goes the daily grind.
But wait–I am their mommy.
I love them.
Never mind.


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